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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/unfairpark/2011/06/plano_isd_teacher_says_not_all.php I don't know how to feel about this...but I think I side with the teacher on this.
  2. Leather is sooo much easier to clean up, so keep that in mind.
  3. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=284794
  4. Dw just got the X for Mother's Day, and I like it. I am only concerned about the locked bootloader...
  5. Does the church have a website? Usually the denomination will be on there somewhere.
  6. So, I will be getting a new phone next month, and I was wondering if any of you had some advice. I currently have a Blackberry, which I love. However, I am planning to get an Android phone. We are on Verizon, and I want a phone that I can get for less than $100 with 2 year contract renewal. This narrows it down to following choices: HTC Incredible 2 Samsung Fascinate Droid 2 Global Motorola Droid X Do any of you have any experience with any of those models? Or maybe a different recommendation?
  7. Oh definitely, they always go before we leave. But sometimes we are out for hours at a time.
  8. I was studying for a CLEP (or was it a DANTES...)- (Intro to World Religions), and discovered it was the Eastern faiths I knew the least about. So, I learned what I could about Buddhism (among others), from the internet. I am glad I did, I ended up getting an 89% on the test (65% is passing) after two nights of learning. So I just have a brief idea of the basics.
  9. So, it is always a difficult situation when I am watching my two daughters and one has to go potty. For me, a lot of factors weigh in on if I take them into the men's room with me or send them into the ladies room. The family restroom is ideal, but not always available. For my dd5, I ask her which she prefers. More and more lately, she prefers to go in the ladies room solo. I will allow it normally if it is a small (one commode) or otherwise empty restroom, which also seems like it would be clean. Also, she is afraid of the auto-flushing toilets, so that has to be a consideration. My dd3 I will send into the restrooms that don't have doors, but rather a few walls to walk around, and only with her older sister. That way I can hear them and they can hear me. I am wary of some restrooms that have heavy doors, which neither of us could hear through, and are difficult to open for the girls. Most of the time it is a conundrum though. Safety is definitely the most important factor. What do you all do?
  10. Today I got the first two seasons of The West Wing on DVD, a running shirt, and... The Well-Trained Mind (3rd-Edition)!!! I have read the second edition that I checked out from the library. I specifically had requested the non-Kindle edition so I could highlight and share it with dw, etc. Super excited about all of the above! What are there differences between the second and third editions, BTW?
  11. I too am in the camp of not wanting to give the government an interest-free loan. However, with our particular situation, I don't pay anything in, yet we still get like $8000-$9000 per year.
  12. I don't expect it to be around when I retire. I wish I could opt-out.
  13. Has anyone here used one of these centers? Specifically for Junior Kumon. The effectiveness of tutoring preschoolers aside, are these academically effective, for math and reading? We have a friend that is interested, and we are a little curious ourselves.
  14. What about the reviews? They looked generally positive to me...
  15. I am not very far into it, but it seems pretty good. What are your thoughts on it?
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