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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Also, I do believe the Sox have won 9 in a row!!! City of Boston dominating!
  2. Firefly Psych Burn Notice Lie to Me How I Met Your Mother Scrubs
  3. My dd4 knows ALL her vowels, and that includes sometimes w and y. :)
  4. Right, but that one says Man up and don't whine if your feelings get hurt in a political thread. This one essentially bans all political threads that don't have to do with homeschooling. This one is newer, and therefore supersedes the previously stickied thread. :001_smile: I hope not...unless it is related to homeschooling somehow. ;)
  5. Lost was fun, but I think you and he will enjoy Firefly more!
  6. Trend Micro is fine, even the new Norton is supposed to be good. But, I would avoid Kaspersky. I just don't trust the people behind Kaspersky.
  7. Happy Flag day, Americans! Would you support a constitutional amendment banning flag-burning?
  8. FWIW, several of Huckabee's former staff now work for Bachmann.
  9. I didn't get to watch it all yet. I was disappointed, overall, though. Mostly in the questions and the moderator. Maybe my impressions will change when I get to see the whole thing.
  10. Wow, Bachmann just made it official. That's an interesting move, strategically.
  11. Refresh? Others have said it works well... or try one of these: http://www.cnn.com/video/flashLive/l...stream=stream1 http://www.justin.tv/livenewsstream#/w/1332397712 http://www.justin.tv/radiomando5 http://edition.cnn.com/video/flashLi...stream=stream1 http://www.live-news-stream.com/cnni/ http://ihelps.net/cnn2.htm
  12. I used to do this for a living! Is there a local computer shop in your area that custom builds computers? I would go there and tell them what you use your computer for. They will be able to get you what you need, not more and not less.
  13. Heck, when somebody runs a stop sign in our neighborhood, it apparently takes 4 cop cars to pull them over! See it almost daily.
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