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Everything posted by Virg

  1. I think you should choose whatever name you like. Just as you may like it, others may dislike it. Oh well. I heard a lot about one of my twins' names but I liked it so I didn't worry about it. I have heard many names that I thought, "WOW I would NEVER name my kid that!" So I didn't lol. I don't hold someone's name against them though :)
  2. Yeah you can block certain friends from seeing pictures, statuses, etc. Each album or status can be set differently. We have to have passwords or it is a no go. Even at 17. I may not use it but I have to have it.
  3. Yes thank you :) DH and I go to therapy because she refuses to work during her hour. Nothing has helped yet but we keep praying! I just remembered the usual cause of ODD and CD, our daughter has FAS from BM so it is part of the reason that things don't help, the damage done to her brain is usually permanent.
  4. My mom buys the little bike shorts at Gymboree, they come in a ton of colors, and puts them underneath all of their skirts and dresses. Not sure if you wanted longer or just bottom covered :)
  5. I wish I had something more pleasant to add but my DSD is 11 and is diagnosed with ODD (2.5 years ago) but well into CD (she isn't 13 yet so the diagnosis isn't official.) The behaviors can escalate more and more as I am sure you know. We have been told no treatments are available since she isn't co-morbidly depressed or otherwise diagnosed. (They have also said if she was it might really help the other behaviors to get partial treatment.) If there is anything they offer you, my opinion would be to take it. I can't even describe on this forum what we go through every day and the types of things that happen at my house. Every month is progressively worse for us. Honestly, at this point I would take anything they would give us, I am not sure any of the side affects could be worse than where we are. I hope your household doesn't have to reach this level. We will be praying for your child and your family. I hope this doesn't sound pushy btw that isn't how I mean it. I also don't want to start a debate. :)
  6. My mom passed away relatively young a few years ago but I was lucky enough to have her around when I had the twins at 18. I LOVED my mom being around to help, but of course I adored my mom. Now that she is gone I can't even imagine how I will do it again without her. Time is precious. If she wants you and you want to be there, I think you should spend as much time as you can! Let her ask as many questions as she can, tell her stories about what she did at that age, and take LOTS of pictures! JMHO :) And congratulations!!!! :grouphug:
  7. I called mine (only had one set) Grandma and Grandpa. I called my great-grandpa Baby Grandpa, I guess I started it when I was really little because he was tiny. My kids now call my dad, Papa and they called my mom, Grandma when she was alive. Since she passed away they now call her Special Grandma. Their great-grandma, my grandma, they call Baby Grandma. She is very tiny too :)
  8. Bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish. How many pieces do you wish? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.....
  9. Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack All dressed in black, black, black With silver buttons, buttons, buttons All down her back, back, back She asked her mother, mother, mother For fifty cents, cents, cents To see the elephant, elephant, elephant Jump the fence, fence fence They jumped so high, high, high They touched the sky, sky, sky And didn't come back, back, back Till the fourth of July, July, July
  10. A horse, a flea, and three blind mice sat on a curbstone shooting dice. The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea. The flea said "Whoops, there's a horse on me."
  11. Cinderella, dressed in yellow went upstairs to kiss a fellow made a mistake and kissed a snake how many doctors did it take? [count until someone messes up]
  12. I will trade my truly anti-social dsd for your asocial dd :lol: I am that way to a certain extent also (asocial I mean lol). I struggle with huge groups of people and would MUCH rather be at home with my family or a few close friends. I think she sounds remarkably mature.
  13. Thank you for this! I have been a little afraid to post sometimes, worried about the response I will get! Man when I was packing, moving and waiting for internet connection again I must have REALLY missed something!
  14. You could, if you want, issue an invitation to get together for the girl's equivalent of your dh & bil's golf game. But I would not issue an apology. I think offering a way for the whole thing to blow over would be acceptable (if YOU want, I wouldn't feel pressured to) but I wouldn't call and apologize. Just my 2 cents
  15. That sounds awesome! When my kids are bigger I would LOVE to start something like that!
  16. My twins grew up in the country and peed outside all the time. It didn't bother me, my dad and brother always did it too. I never thought to tell them that you can't do it in the city, esp when you are trick-or-treating on a very busy road right in some one else's front yard.... That said my DH does it too, like on our trip to move out of state a few weeks ago, at a historic site. *sigh*
  17. How exciting! I have a free Kindle on my Android which I love! I hope my library participates
  18. I need everything to match. I seriously have issues, every time I look at uncoordinated things it freaks me out a little. However I refuse to be wasteful so I shove my feelings down and just try to weed things out slowly as they get worn. Wow I sound so unhealthy lol
  19. So when sellers ask you to to non-fee paypal which one are you supposed to use?
  20. I have always made may brother and cousin wait in line for the Star Wars movies and joined them the last hour :) My excuse was I had kids. (They were going to stand in line anyway.) If it was something I really wanted I might wait for a few hours but there is no way I could handle the overnight waiting. My back and neck are too messed up from an accident.
  21. Same as PPs here. We have a playroom with communal toys. Each child has a "special box" with their special toys, cards, etc in it and their stuffed animals are their own. Everything else is shared. I also use Sharpie to mark the bottom of cars, feet of guys, etc with a child's initial because the twins get such similar toys I won't remember whose is whose and a fight will ensue.
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