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Everything posted by Virg

  1. That's funny Jamee because we were supposed to be transferred to Colorado and ended up in Utah instead :)
  2. No, we had garter snakes in OR they heard there were rattlesnakes and poisonous various other things and were excited. (I wasn't btw.) We are in South Salt Lake County. :) Thank you for the responses
  3. We are new to Utah in the last few weeks. Does anyone have any field trip ideas, homeschooling groups, advice at all for me? We came from the PacNW so this area is incredibly different from what we are used to and I have never moved before. We left everyone we know and we are all lonely. We finally located a small church that is close to our original denomination but the kids are used to tons of church activities and I do not think they will get that here. It was their main social outlet before we moved. Also does anyone know if there really are snakes here like the boys keep reading about?
  4. I second the museum in Baker City. We visited it on our way, moving out of state and it was AWESOME! They had some really cool books and I think a couple of them are at their online shop at oregontrailshop.com.
  5. We just received MFW ECC and it was very similar to the samples I could see, I got exactly what I expected. We also just bought Singapore Math for the first time. It wasn't what I expected at all and I had a hard time deciding what we needed etc due to the lack of information. I am pleased with it though
  6. I have been wondering that too! All of my young cousins on fb keep posting things like: "having a good day at the mall #happy" or "HATE this class #bored". Even if they have twitter I can't imagine why you would search for all "bored" tweets. I wonder if it has caught on so much to be a fad now or something. All twenty or so of them do it. on. every. single. post.
  7. UGH! I am so glad it is you and not me! Although I can imagine that being my twins in a few years!
  8. I never did before I married my husband. He, however, likes it made. So now I try to get a chance to do it. I never had to growing up, I honestly don't even think of doing it most days. I leave my room and it never crosses my mind. I only make my children fold their blankets and put it on their bed, since the twins share a bed but use separate blankets. (I have provided a second bed but for whatever reason they choose to sleep in one.)
  9. I would prefer more yard with my twins, however in a place like the PacNW where your children can't play outside w/o being soaked a bigger house would be my choice.
  10. I think it is cute. I wouldn't wear it because it has orange on it and my really pale skin reflects orange and I look like I put on instant tanner. If I could, I would though!
  11. A lot of Seinfield: close talker, low talker, pirate shirts, No ---- for you!, etc there are more... We also have Friends quotes, lots of them, most notably- how you doin'? Popsicles are pock-a-sicles. Special blankets are mankets. We call TeA, the marital privilege.
  12. I have no problems with nudity and friends lol. My BFF today is still the same one from my childhood. We all swam competitively, year-round, before and after school, weekends too, for YEARS. This included tons of naked locker room time and the rest of the time we didn't have much more on. It killed my modesty completely. At swim meets we were mostly naked while hundreds of people around us were fully clothed for three full days. It is a weird thing you just get used to and no longer care about at all. (At least for everyone on my team, a bunch of us are still friends but I won't speak for all swimmers.) Right now my BFF is going to school to be a nurse and I would love to have her help me birth :) I will admit I know I am not normal...
  13. OMG YES! We just moved out of state and I am now scouring the grocery stores looking for it! Their cheese I've got, sour cream I finally found last week but I still haven't located their ice cream. I suppose I could go to their site. I feel kind of dumb now and am going to go :leaving:
  14. Yep same thing here. Thinking about buying TOG and tried to do a search. It said there were no results. I did eventually do a tag search but I know not all of the threads get tagged.
  15. We had TONS of scraped knees and hands. My kids don't get scraped up nearly as often as I did. My brother and I each had a concussion. We climbed OR fir trees to the top, ran around our 55 acres and generally were a nuisance. We used to take snacks and backpacking packs and be gone for hours. We rode our bikes on the gravel since there was no pavement in our area. At 14 my brother rode his bike 7 miles to a job every day during the summer while my parents worked At our daycare we rode our bikes all over town and to stores to get treats at about 11. I don't remember her worrying at all, even with the liability that we weren't hers. ETA: I just remembered that one time when we were out playing while at a friends' house some man in a car approached us to give us candy if we'd get in. We had learned about stranger danger and ran back to her house and told. I don't think anyone did anything though. I certainly didn't talk to the police.
  16. I seriously agree that it is a brain-wiring or personality thing. I LOVE Apple but know tons of people who hate it! Some people it just makes perfect sense for and to others it is ridiculously confusing. I don't have an IPod so I can't help you but I hope you get it all figured out! (Or are able to return it and get something else!) :grouphug:
  17. My kids LOVE milk. For three of them that is whole cow's milk and for one (he is deathly allergic to animal milk proteins) it is rice milk. We go through 4-6 gallons a week. They drink a glass with each meal and in their cereal, if they have cereal. I actually had to make a rule that between meals they have to drink water or all they would ever drink is milk and it was starting to become way too expensive. We drink whole milk, they kids were super skinny so we just never went off of it and now none of us even like 2%.
  18. I think Spanish would be best since you have a fluent speaker :) That is usually the hardest part to get unless you can afford a tutor.
  19. :iagree: I have been saying this for two days! How is it different? We won a significant battle in a war we will continue to fight.
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