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Everything posted by Virg

  1. My DH and I went on our honeymoon in Vegas last fall and had a blast! Neither of us had been and it was a lot of fun. (We did spend a bunch on the kids anyway buying them cool cups and plates, toys, etc that they just adored.)
  2. I didn't need the teacher guide I bought for 3rd. The workbooks are very self explanatory for a child, so if DD didn't understand it I could easily read the instructions on her page and understand what to do, even if I had never heard of what they were teaching before. I would buy only the answer keys (that is what I just did for 4th) or correcting would be time-consuming. :)
  3. We have been using ASCI (Association of Christian Schools International) since 1st. My kids really like it so I haven't seen a need to switch or look around. It is workbook based and is meant for a classroom so it is very independent. :)
  4. I was thinking about doing US History in depth in 7th and 8th. They will be old enough to still remember the detail when we touch on it in 11th and 12th but still be able to stay on the 4 year rotation.
  5. Yeah uhh I wouldn't spend money on that! I can assure you that all three DSs would want me to though! :glare:
  6. Oh! I am sooo sorry, that exhibit is awesome too! My DC were so interested but the same thing happened to us, the school kids just filed by the mummy without even looking at it! I was horrified inside! My DC, on the other hand, I had to drag away from the poor lady who was answering the questions about the mummy. Luckily there was only a few groups so we were able to see it by just waiting patiently the whole time. It took us the whole day but I knew we wouldn't get a chance again. I have been there on a non-school day when we just left because it was crazy.
  7. I am glad you asked this! Two months ago I would say I lived in the PacNW so for the ten days during the summer when it is really hot (close to 100) we just use the A/C. Now that I live in the desert I am a little concerned about what it will cost to keep it cool enough to function and continue to school year-round. I hope it cools down enough at night to take PPs advice and open up the house at night to cool it off.
  8. Me too! SHOCK on MySpace :) We were in our early 20s and 4 years later we got married. We've been married less than a year though so I can't brag on the success yet although obviously I think it will be lol ETA: The reason I haven't told much of the drama in my life is that people would then think I was a troll for sure and after the last week I am really scared to! It is crazy over here at my house!
  9. Account (top right hand with a down arrow)- Privacy setttings- Connecting on Facebook (very top choice click on the "view settings")- Search for you on Facebook (very top choice again) and choose friends only. The only down-side is if I want to be friends with someone I can't ever tell them to request me, I always have to find them. If we are both blocked, one of us will have to un-block ourselves for a few minutes so we can request the other :)
  10. I really like tradition.... for dates, addresses and measuring systems.... :blushing:
  11. :iagree: I spend WAY to much time on here every day but by my post count no one would ever know :) I have been reading this forum for about a year. It inspired me to switch from traditional to classical. It makes me laugh all the time. It makes me feel like I am not alone in a place where I know no one. I don't usually post for 2 reasons: 1. I am VERY opinionated but also sensitive and I don't want anyone to "yell" at me lol. 2. Usually someone already said what I wanted to say. I also do a lot of typing and deleting :) I think someone would have to know me IRL to figure me out since even my FB is completely blocked and I am unsearchable, even with my email and full name, fb's search engine says there is no one with that information. You have to be a friend of a friend to even be able to ask to "friend" me and I keep that pretty narrowed down. (Please no one prove me wrong by finding me! :tongue_smilie: )
  12. Both of my step-children have chronic constipation and use Miralax daily no matter what. DSD had been on it for about two years now. It is so hard to stay on top of adjusting the amounts back and forth and keeping up with how their BMs are! I hope your poor little boy feels better soon! :grouphug:
  13. I don't have anyone either. My friends are friends with both of us and I don't think it is fair to color their view of him. I would go to counseling if things ever got bad but for all the little bumps and fights I have no one.
  14. Umm I don't know how to pump gas. I lived in Oregon my whole life and when we took road trips someone else did it. Now we have been in Utah for a few weeks and so far my boys have done it for me. I suppose I will have to learn soon if I am going to live out of Oregon.
  15. I am SOOO buying the Desk Apprentice! I love it! We started doing the filing system rather than workboxes this year and I love it! We are using pee-chees rather than hanging files though. I have the pee chees labeled Day 1-Day 5. One side's pocket is individual work and one side is labeled class work. They love the fact that they have access to their individual work at the beginning of the day and usually have it finished before "school time." I have been using 2 magazine boxes each. One I store the 4 days of pee-chees we are not on and any books or notebooks we don't need that day. The other magazine box has the books/textbooks they need that day along with that day's pee-chee. Although now I want to use the Desk Apprentice!
  16. I agree! I just found the box with my high school stuff and I recycled all my notes and "journals." I couldn't believe how ignorant I was! I am SOOO glad they didn't have FB and my parents didn't allow me to have a myspace to post all this for the world to see!
  17. What are you having for dinner tonight? Crock Pot Clam Chowder What do you do on days when you have no energy? Wish I was sleeping and wander around accomplishing nothing so I might as well have slept. Anything special planned for the weekend? Schoolwork for the kids and cleaning/unpacking for me. Sunday we will go to church and I hope I get a nap! :)
  18. I am really interested in these! I looked at the two online (Keeper/Moon Cup and the Diva) and noticed that only the keeper says anything about breaking the suction. Do the two work the same way?
  19. I am sure I am a horrible mom for this but can I just say i HATE the math games? I hated them as a child and I still do now. I am not sure what my issue is, I guess I was just like let's learn it and be done. I loved math I just didn't think the games were fun at all. This means of course that my DC just LOVE them! :001_smile: After reading this thread I am going to make a much bigger effort to play them more often and try to keep some of math fun. I would try to get my DH to do play the games with the kids but he is the same way as I. At work he has to plan incentive games for his reps and he can't stand it. He thinks they should work because they get paid LOL Hey! Maybe my DSS would.... Off to find out!
  20. May I tell you the question that annoys me? Every day I get asked multiple times: "What should I do on pg 37 (ch 3, question 2, etc)?" I did not memorize your worksheets or comprehension questions in order. If you need help ask for me to come over and help you or come to me! I do not know why it irritates me so much, but it really does.
  21. :iagree: I have no idea btw if it is true but i would suspect nutritional deficiency, iron perhaps? Or that the child is odd? lol My kids do really weird things sometimes. One used to lick the front of the oven becuase it "warmed his tongue up." :001_huh:
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