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Everything posted by Virg

  1. ....because she hates me :( I really wanted my future MIL to like me. It breaks my heart that she can't stand me, she has since the first time she met me. The worst part is she won't tell anyone why she dislikes me so much. :(
  2. If you don't mind, then I don't see the problem with it. When I was young my friends (who were twins) watched they mom deliver their sister and were so glad to be a part of it. We (as a society) are much more squeamish these days. :) If it makes you uncomfortable at all then I wouldn't
  3. Does anyone know what the exact name of the special? I am trying to search for it on my cable so I can set it to record when they show a rerun.
  4. :iagree: This is what I do! :) And my reasoning. I have no idea if it is correct, it just seemed logical to my mind. I am unreasonably pleased that someone agrees with me btw :lol:
  5. I do think it is my job. We are very patriotic and I see patriotism as being part of our belief system and values, all of which I pass on to my children. In the end of course it is their decision but just like "hitting girls is wrong" or our faith, I believe it is my job to instill in my children. *Disclaimer* I believe that every family has their own values and they might not feel like it is their job to pass it along. :) I don't want to offend anyone
  6. I would advise him to press charges about stealing his phone and using his money! :grouphug: IME detectives are so busy it takes them FOREVER to call back! I know it is really frustrating! This girl sounds dangerous and it sounds like you already are but I would recommend documenting everything you can. Wow I am so sorry you and your son are in this position! :(
  7. Aww man! I want plastic money! Esp pretty, colorful plastic money! I do wonder about the dryer though. We have a lot of money go through the dryer.
  8. My twins are ten and I got married last fall. We are planning on having more children. I figure it will work since my older brother is 21 years older than me and my sister is 18 years older than me :)
  9. I was a competitive swimmer for ten years so I am not very modest. I really don't care about other women seeing me naked. I don't parade around but I shower naked, I do NOT want chlorine left on my skin or on my hair. If it dries on it is damaging and drying. The girls who didn't shower at the pool literally had greenish hair. I have just started letting my twins change in the boys locker room by themselves in the last few months. They have to stay together. We were lucky enough to have pools in OR with family changing rooms and I haven't checked out the ones here in UT. I don't know what I would have done if that wasn't an option. I guess I would have checked with management about what they would like me to do with my boys. Honestly though my boys wouldn't have been the ones staring lol Our family is pretty open about bodies and they never have a reaction because they are used to it.
  10. No advice. Step-children are calm, very very calm. Twins are CRAZY! I can't get them to calm down even in the car, strapped into a booster seat! UGH! Sorry that I am no help but I do share your pain.
  11. I wish I could help! I did physical therapy for a year after a car accident and three years later there are some days I am just in sooo much pain! If you find something great share it please :) I only do heat, not ice, but I also use Tiger Balm, you can find it at Walgreens next to Icy Hot. For my BF and I it works way better than even Tei-Fu (which also works well), which is what our physical therapists used for massage therapy. It isn't a miracle worker but it does really help. Tiger Balm: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/tiger-balm-neck-%26-shoulder-rub-pain-relieving-cream/ID=prod6028604-product Tei-Fu: http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Sunshine-Massage-Lotion-tube/dp/B000J4I8O2
  12. I don't know how I will feel when my twins are that age but DSS who is 15 is NOT allowed to stay up after us, esp to watch TV. We have had numerous (read many, many, many) issues with sneaking, not innocent-sneaking-a-cookie either. Due to all these issues he has to be in bed before us. I still don't trust him not to get up after we are asleep and wreck havoc so we also have all the channels blocked (yay Comcast!), you need a PIN to unlock anything not rated G.
  13. I agree with Science and History for the younger grades, from what I have seen of the older grades they are better although not "classical." I have loved their phonics and math. Their seatwork can be a little much but I usually just assign the ones my kids need to work on and skip the rest. They don't develop young writing very much though. It seems to jump into writing sentences and writing stories with no real explanation of how to do it. I also really like their Language also. I agree with PPs that it is good to cross out some problems if your children don't as much review (my step-children do, so I think it is possible that some children do). For us it is a wonderfully solid program. We are moving to more classical this year but I will use their phonics, math and language with my next little ones again for the first few years at least.
  14. My kids are mixed and very rarely do I put sunscreen on them. They have never burned. I, on the other hand, burn ridiculously easy. I hate that I can't be out with other people and I even burn in the shade. I wear a lot of sunscreen even if I am just grocery shopping because I burn in the car with my tinted windows. Now I am really freaked out! My sunscreen is a 6!
  15. I would call the non-emergency line for the police and tell them the situation and that your son has asked her to stop repeatedly and she won't. The police will make a report and then they will contact her and tell her if she does not stop, it will be telephonic harassment and charges will be pressed. I am assuming because of her age they would also let her parents know but I am not sure because I have only had to do this with older people. Every time it has worked for us, the police make a simple phone call and the texting/calling stops. It would also start a paper trail and show you/your son asked for the contact to stop just in case she tries to turn it in to something else. I have heard horror stories in the news in our area that I would hate to happen to your son!
  16. I adore my dress and don't think I could ever get rid of it! :) If I was though I heard of this awesome charity that took donations so low income people could get married in a dress they would love. I don't remember the name though.
  17. I haven't sold anything but I LOVE buying on here when I have money to :)
  18. I actually pull a pen out of my purse and write "MAMA ONLY" on my take-out box AT the restaurant :blush:
  19. One specific shelf in the fridge is for leftovers only (yeah I am anal) and with three boys it all gets eaten. If I notice there seems to be a lot I will make lunch leftovers only.
  20. CLE has been very independent for us. My FAS kids use it and if they don't understand an explanation they will come to me but it works well for them: clear explanations and lots of review.
  21. It bothers me. But when people say that in DH's family they literally do a "clubbing" booty shake. Even the kids. I am NOT a fan and my children are not allowed to shake it with them! :glare: I don't really like referring to dancing as shaking your booty because originally that is now what it meant. It is the sanitized version of it.
  22. I text. a. lot. :) I got my first cell phone at 17. That was 12 years ago and I have been texting ever since. I send and receive thousands each month. I use proper English and spell correctly. DH, I and my twins have a phone and it is a $20 add-on for unlimited texting on all three phones. DH and I do have smart phones. I even check my FB on my phone :) For me it is very helpful, especially while homeschooling, to be able to text. I don't disturb my kids while they are working but can "talk" to my best friend (another SAHM) or my DH at work. My 75 year old dad learned to text a few years ago when my mom was dying of cancer and had a tumor pressing against her voice box. He sends me picture messages of his garden and his dinners, lets me know how dr appts went and sends me I love you messages. He isn't a "talker" so I like that this helps him keep me updated. Now that we have moved away from him, my 10 year-olds text him all the time because they miss their Papa so much! (They have a phone because of serious health issues, it makes me feel safer if they can text me from Sunday School if they are starting to get hives or feel their lungs tightening rather than waiting for their teacher to find me in service.)
  23. I loved that book as a child! I think it depends on the person. I haven't reread it as an adult to see if it is "quality" literature so I can't give any advice on that part.
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