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Everything posted by Virg

  1. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Saw it coming and still thought it was hilarious but I love predictability! :)
  2. They could tax us all they want but Americans would do what they always do: complain about it as they pay more for it :lol: For instance gas prices going up has just caused (most) people to drive as much as they possibly can afford to while complaining about it. If they cut back it was only the smallest amount possible and still be able to afford their bills. We aren't known for moderation or accepting being told what to do.
  3. I hate it!! We live in a city now of 60,000 but a suburb of a million. Not a fan. I grew up in the boonies and I really miss it!
  4. Can I just say you have brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood! :lol: My dad is type A, I mean "spreadsheets for Goodwill donations with formulas for good, excellent, and new donations" type A. My poor mom. She used to keep chocolate in her desk in the office so she could sneak it while he rambled on about something from his desk, ignoring her for the most part but still requiring her presence. My DH is a lot like my dad but I checked that part out before I married him! I had been warned.
  5. Yes! I adore my brother and I know he would do anything for me too. :)
  6. What a crazy nurse to say it wasn't the prenisolone! We have been doing them with both twins since shortly after birth. If it has been a while since the last round then the kids get totally wild and angry. Another side effect they sometimes experience is all-consuming hunger. I have had them cry hysterically for an hour after eating 5 bowls of cereal because they are still so hungry. But it keeps them alive so I try not to complain (too much). The first time I was on them a few years ago for my asthma I had to cancel school! I was so irritable I wanted to yell at them every time they missed a problem or didn't understand something. At that point I started to really understand how hard it is for the boys to control themselves on steroids. My trick is if we are on 1 dose a day rather than 2 I give the dose right before bed so it doesn't kick in until they fall asleep :) If we are doing the usual twice a day there isn't much that helps, I still try to give the bedtime one as late as possible so it doesn't make it worse right before bed. Usually though we are just in for 7-10 days of hell honestly.
  7. I was the perfect child. I am the oldest girl of my mom's, second girl of my dad's but in his "second family" because my older half siblings are 21 years older than my little brother and I. I got straight A's in private school and then in AP classes in HS. Swam competitvely year-round for 8 years, took piano, participated in everything at church, blah, blah, blah. I tried so hard being perfect that at 14 when my mom got cancer, I had a breakdown and ended up being depressed, anorexic, etc. I got pregnant shortly before I turned 18 and went back to trying to be perfect. I was the only SAHteenM I knew. I had twins with special needs, nursed 2 years, homeschooled them when they turned 5 years, cooked from scratch all natural foods, etc. Hmmm maybe I should lighten up, reading ABOUT myself is boring! :tongue_smilie:
  8. Breakfast: I haven't gotten there due to a certain DSD throwing a fit over a population graph 3 times and spending an hour delaying school screaming. Lunch: Have not even remotely thought that far! Something easy, so probably bean burritos or sandwiches. Distraction today: See above breakfast description lol. The twins and I are about to distract ourselves with an enthusiastic walk which I am telling the twins is PE but is really to try to relieve some stress. Birthdays: No, but my DH and I just had celebrated our 1 year anniversary yesterday and are going away for a few days this weekend! First time away since the honeymoon YAY!!!!
  9. My DB and his friends LOVE WoW. I cheat and play a blood elf he leveled up for me. I have access to his guild bank and lots of goodies. It is more fun if I can just roam about doing as I please lol. Haven't played since getting married last year though :( Love my step-children but there is not time for games with them around LOL
  10. We love jasmine rice and this is how my dad taught me to cook it. It is easy and super hard to screw up plus you don't have to watch it. The ratio will be: 2 parts water to 1 part rice. (We usually use 6 cups of water and 3 of rice but my kids LOVE rice.) We put in the water first and bring it to a rolling boil. Add the rice and stir. As soon as it comes back to a rolling boil stir again, put on the lid and turn the burner off. Let it sit on the burner for 20 minutes. Fluff. That is all :) Hope it turns out well!
  11. My children's opinion: Shirley Temple in The Littlest Rebel and The Little Colonel.
  12. The family uses the NIV, it is what I was raised with and our church uses it mostly, although not completely. For my study I switch between NIV, HCSB, and NASB. I agree with a PP that the differences are as helpful as the similarities. Many times I read a chapter in each of the 3 translations and get more understanding each time. I would like to find a good German translation too!
  13. My experience is a lot of inappropriate dancing (grinding and worse) and a lot of inappropriate activity (drinking in bathrooms and worse). I was allowed to go to a total of one dance. I have heard that some schools/areas are better though. Sorry I don't have anything more positive to say!
  14. My dad was an awesome cook! I guess has to do with being an obsessive engineer lol. My mom worked LONG hours so he usually cooked and I (I was the girl and so had to do women's work lol my brother worked outside) had to help. He prepared dinners that took at least a dozen ingredients and 2 hours to prepare. Everything had to be perfect. Everything always tasted awesome and was very gourmet. I hate cooking! With a passion! Mind you, I do it every day and I know how to cook but I hate it. I think it is horribly boring and very unsatisfying. Go figure. :glare: My dad is here visiting for a few months right now. Every night I start to cook he comes in the kitchen and literally takes the pan, spoon, etc out of my hand and says, "Now if you just do it this way....." UGH! Just do it yourself then! I didn't want to do it anyway! Oh sorry, apparently I am having issues regarding this right now! :lol:
  15. I am not a swim mom but was a swimmer for ten years. I watched the light. It travels faster than sound so that is what our coach had us do :) Since I wasn't the mom I don't know about the part of leaving it up to the coach lol My mom had been a swimmer also, she was awesome and was on Mark Spitz's team until she was injured. Because of that she coached me on the side, a lot. Even told me to ignore my coach a few times LOL
  16. My DSS ran away last summer at 14. He is very impulsive due to his FASD and has depression and other issues due to birth mother. I was actually at counseling for my severely ODD DSD when the little kids at home called me and said he left. We immediately called the police before even making it home. He was found within a few hours. The fact that the police made a big deal of it to him and told him next time they would take him to juvie until we had time to pick him up has deterred him from trying again even when he gets mad. (That probably would not deter a lot of kids but he was really embarrassed.) I am so sorry you are going through this and will be praying. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. I just sent mine up so there is not much on it but here is mine: http://pinterest.com/ds4159/
  18. Dave's Killer bread Organic Tree Top applesauce Oraganic Kirkland Salsa canned tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato paste frozen peas, green beans and broccoli tortillas Tillamook shredded and sliced cheese, cheddar and pepperjack wines I use for cooking organic eggs organic fruits frozen Foster Farms all natural chicken breasts and thighs organic spinach salad dried organic fruits lunch meats non-food: all of my sickly sons vitamins and supplements shampoo and conditioner binders (WAY cheaper)
  19. My twins are 11 and I still go in with them to their appts. They haven't had their genitals checked since 2 yrs old or so however. That means I never even have to look away lol. Maybe she doesn't check since we have had the same ped since they were born (up until our move 6 months ago) so she knows everything dropped and is as it should be. I imagine if they did need to check I would just look away for a moment or step out of the room. Although whenever they have something wrong they bring it to me and have no issues showing me their parts LOL even when I would rather they go ask their dad now that they have one! One twin goes, at the minimum 6 times a year, to his ped and several appts each to allergist, pulmonologist and immunologist. The other twin sees the dr at least twice a year for sinus infections or needing steroids. I always go in since they have complicated medical histories, are allergic to many meds and foods, and one takes over 15 meds. Their appts are usually mostly between the dr and I talking about which course we should try this time etc. My boys definitely aren't mature enough to take charge of their health. There is no way they could remember all of their hospitalizations and the outcomes of a bazillion different meds. Sometimes I have difficulty getting new doctors to take my opinion seriously, I don't know how an 11 year old would manage. That being said I still like it when DH goes with me to my dr appts and my mom went with me until after I had the twins at 18 unless she was busy. I honestly don't mind though if people consider me a hoverer.
  20. I own a .380 :) I keep it in a sm gun safe right next to my side of the bed. It is small and really light. I grew up in a shooting family though and am comfortable around guns. http://www.gunblast.com/KelTec_P3AT.htm
  21. I have been on Wellbutrin since I was 16, holy crap, so 13 years. I think it helps. A lot.
  22. My DSS has been on Zithro 3 times a week for over a year and it is just now clearing up. Very frustrating but his was HORRIBLE!
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