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Everything posted by Virg

  1. Hits MFW-ECC My 3 littles LOVE it! We are in week 5 so they just got their passports and you would have thought I bought them a puppy or something. Bible: We started doing worship time before Bible class and the kids all love it. I typed up the words to songs (or copied and pasted them off Air1's website) and printed them out into a songbook. I downloaded their favorite songs off the radio and we are learning one hymn each week. The only problem is they want to choose songs forever and I hate telling them, "Well that is enough worshipping God now, let's move on." LOL Misses We tried a literature unit from Teacher Created Materials and we just can't fit any more in. With all my special needs kids school already goes on WAY too long.
  2. I wish school didn't take so long at my house! Bible class takes an hour because everyone will be devastated if we don't sing one more worship song (or three!) and I still haven't found a way to tell kids who just really want to worship, "No." Plus they all really want to discuss the Bible story to death, which I feel like I should be thankful for, but deep down I want them to HURRY. Two have ADHD and spend more time staring out the window at the birds or a random leaf than listening to me. Anytime there is individual work I have to remind them every few minutes to look at their paper. One can't read due to speech and language processing disorders and both stepchildren have a really low IQ due to prenatal exposure. None of them can ever find anything- who knows why they only have 2 pee chees for the day's work and it is all clearly labeled and organized. Copywork and dictation of one sentence takes twenty minutes, literally. All that to say I think you are doing great. Cuddle your little ones :grouphug: and add in more if you can but maybe just be glad that it doesn't take you all day. Once more of your children are joining in on lessons it will take longer and you will wish for these days! :001_smile:
  3. YES! UGH! SOOO ANNOYING! There I feel better know. The ridiculous bickering was bad enough with just the twins, now that we are a blended family it is horrible. I wish I knew how to handle this in a way that worked!
  4. One twin and DSD are building a duplo tower to the ceiling and knocking it down to entertain the daycare baby. The other twin is using the inflatable globe from MFW-ECC as a basketball. He taped a piece of paper to the playroom wall and is "shooting" the globe at it. DSS is in bed, he is the odd one out, since it is barely past 9 and he is 16. He likes to go to bed early. I will be fighting the littles for the next hour or so to calm down and get ready for bed.
  5. I am so glad she is going to participate! I was knocked off a horse by a branch as a child and had a concussion. Within a few years I went from being confident, always the leader and loving life to having social anxiety, depression, anorexia and the list goes on. It would be awesome to have more information about brain injuries.
  6. We had to do it when we enrolled DSS in Connections. I guess at PS you have to show your birth certificate and that was why they needed it. It did make me uncomfortable though.
  7. Oh I love it! That is so awesome. I bookmarked your page :)
  8. I have watched almost the whole trial, I DVRed it every day. I cannot believe they didn't convict her of ANYTHING! Doesn't this set a precedent? So now we can "lose" our children for 31 day and we are not at fault? Later we could just claim it was an accident we covered up and everything will be fine? Child abusers who accidentally kill their child or parents of a true accident don't need to bother to report it anymore? WTH!?
  9. internationally from Africa :) we have lots of international adoptions in our family and I would love to continue that!
  10. My parents might have picked DH. ILs would NEVER have picked me. I am the wrong color, wrong political party, wrong denomination, I homeschool. I could go on. I think everything that I am is wrong LOL I am almost over it now :)
  11. I have placed two orders and used the cheapest S/H available. Each time it was here within a week.
  12. OMWord I am so sorry! I swear 1 out of every 3 ER visits end up with me completely frustrated. I have heard that before about hives with my son and the dr in question would listen to nothing else! I hope you are okay and at least safe, if uncomfortable. This whole thing is ridiculous and they should have handled it before! :glare:
  13. :iagree: I searched and searched for natural online. They all want you to buy a book and I couldn't find anything. Well I guess one lady said she rubbed bleach on it! I decided anti-fungal was safer! If you find something please let us know!
  14. We loved Star Wars when I was little and I never thought twice about it until watching the Friends episode about it as an adult. I came from a family that sheltered us extensively but I guess I just figured that is what his slaves wore.
  15. Oh how wonderful! Thank you for sharing :) I am so glad you and your son had a great time.
  16. A lot of these sound like the episodes of "Locked Up Abroad" that my DH is so fond of. I just watch in amazement!
  17. Would love the above list! My 15 year old DSS is in la-la land (I have heard boys his age usually are :)) and thinks he will just join the military so he doesn't need to learn to do or have anything! The US gov will just take care of all of his needs :lol:
  18. I will be praying and please keep us updated. DS has horrible allergies and is hyper-reactive. He takes Singulair, Claritan, and Atarax plus a nasal and optical steroid/anti-histamine daily. Many days he takes Benadryl too. He still will be covered in hives once every other week or so. I have worried about what is happening to you now happening to him in the future and that constant epis will be the only recourse. I can not imagine that is good for anyone's body! So please let us know what is going on and what the drs say! Maybe it can help us too! In the meantime I am SOOOOO sorry that you have to go through this! I have rarely had hives or allergic reactions but watching my son go through it I can only imagine how incredibly miserable it must be. Especially when nothing is helping at all! I hope that something helps you! The only suggestion we have been given while waiting for something to work is baking soda baths. I have no idea if that would help you or not. :grouphug::grouphug: ETA: Also have you tried Atarax? Generic name is hydroxyzine. It has worked wonders! Usually someone only takes it for hives but DS takes a dose in the am and in the pm daily and has for two years. It works differently than Benadryl and you can take both at the same time.
  19. Thank you both of you! I haven't been here long and don't have many posts. Plus seriously what happens at our house is just WAY OVER THE TOP! LOL :lol: Seriously! My goddaughter comes over because she says it is better than a reality TV show on MTV. :lol: I just say at least someone can get entertainment out of it! I do love this board though. I tell DH that it is my "Great Escape."
  20. Psychopath: Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism" Glibness/superficial charm Grandiose sense of self-worth Pathological lying Cunning/manipulative Lack of remorse or guilt Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric) Callousness; lack of empathy Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle". Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Parasitic lifestyle Poor behavioral control Lack of realistic long-term goals Impulsivity Irresponsibility Juvenile delinquency Early behavior problems Revocation of conditional release Traits not correlated with either factor Promiscuous sexual behavior Many short-term marital relationships Criminal versatility Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning (Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e. a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive) I think anyone who has really followed the trial can identify tons of these in Casey.
  21. I have an Android: Samsung Viibrant. I do really, really like it. I also really, really want an I Phone!
  22. Thank you. :001_smile: I don't talk about it much because I don't want to be called a troll and IRL people are much less than understanding. Which I actually do understand because our life is so far from a normal reality lol. If I had been told several years ago that a cute little girl was capable of what I've seen now, I wouldn't have believed it either I only mention it here because I believe I have some insight and honestly Casey Anthony reminds me of my DSD. The lying for absolutely no reason and the willingness to do anything just to get your way, even if it makes NO logical sense at all, are what jumped out at me. I have DVRed and watched most of the trial because of it. Just because she was a wonderful mother when she wanted to be, esp in front of others, and seemed so nice at times means nothing. The whole situation is just so sad.
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