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Everything posted by Virg

  1. We are about to start in a month! So excited!
  2. I watch a few daycare children. It makes homeschooling hard but not any harder than the homeschoolers who have little ones of their own. It isn't great money but it is flexible and we can continue with our lives as normal.
  3. Zuppa Toscana, it is soooo good http://www.tuscanrecipes.com/recipes/olive-garden-zuppa-toscana.html
  4. We have 6 people and do at least 10 loads a week. We use rags instead of paper towels too. The boys get stinky and can't always wear their play clothes twice. I HATE laundry but I am WAY too picky to let anyone else do the laundry.
  5. My twins share a room and I adore it! Yes they stay up WAY too late talking but they love it and even though they have their own bed almost every night they still share a bed (at almost 11!). We tried other arrangements but they have never worked. I think the 2 and 3 year old would adjust quickly and may love it :)
  6. The twins are my only issue, the step-children ALWAYS get dressed. Mine take after me :tongue_smilie: We have a rule that applies to homeschooling and eating, you must wear a shirt at the table. My little boys have always preferred the minimum amount of clothing allowed. I don't get dressed until I get a shower, sometimes that isn't until DH gets home! I think that clothing definitely affects behavior. I think it is a great idea. I just don't think I could apply this at my house. One twin always wears pjs unless he is going outside and the other one wears shorts year round. They do have to take their shower, brush teeth and do the morning routine before we start school, I just don't care what they put on after they shower as long as it is clean and includes a shirt.
  7. :bigear: I want to hear too! I looked at it and thought it looked too plain and boring to keep the twins' attention but maybe I was wrong. I keep reading good things about it.
  8. Butter! It is how you get it off of your hands too. Then use Dawn to wash it off. We had 55 acres in western OR growing up and climbed fir trees all the time. LOTS of sap! My mom always used butter on our hair and hands.
  9. I had a favorite mug. My mom gave it to me before she died and it had a frog handle because I collect frogs. My DSS broke it and I literally broke down crying. I felt bad later becuase I really upset him but I just couldn't help it. Now I use my backup one from my mom, it has a girl on it with her big booty actually sticking off the mug. (I think she was trying to tell me something :lol:) Yeah, NO ONE else is allowed to use it and it has to be hand washed!
  10. I have a spreadsheet and the kids do most of it :) They have a main chore (front bathroom for ex.) and a small chore (sweep after lunch for ex.) each day, Saturday they have two main chores. I cook, teach, shop, etc. They do the rest
  11. My DS10 has a phobia of needles (he had a PIC line at 6 yrs and that caused it) because he is usually in the hospital for respiratory issues he cannot be sedated. It isn't the pain of the IV, it is the needle itself for him. They usually ask me to hold him down and I always ask for them to call someone to do it. I just reassure him and talk calmly and let the people who work there restrain him. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 people helping but it gets done. :( It is sad every time and I have to fight tears. I am sorry you have to go through this. My other DS10 had an endoscopy at 5 mo. and was almost completely sedated with oral meds before they did an IV so hopefully they can do that. :)
  12. OMG I have to use this! My twins are always stealing my phone. Whenever I can't find my phone, a twin has it somewhere playing Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, or Angry Birds Rio!
  13. We did Pulmicort respules until my son was old enough to use an inhaler properly. Now he is on the Advair 230/21 (inhaler not discus). We started on a lower dose but he was still hospitalized. We haven't had a hospital admittance since we this dose! Obviously I really heart it :) His asthma is incredibly reactive and severe though.
  14. Both of my step-children take it and so does one of my little sisters. It is awesome. All it does is pull water into the intestines to soften the stool. (Make sure you drink plenty of water or it won't work!) It doesn't create an urgency at all. I agree with PP it takes about three days to really consistently work.
  15. My DH wanted to go see it today. It was way raunchier than the first! I would have been horribly uncomfortable if there were children in there. I won't see it again!
  16. I am least going to the curriculum fair. I am trying to decide about the workshops. I have never been to that part of a HS convention so I am not sure if it will be worth it. Some of the classes look interesting.
  17. I just moved here and didn't know there was one! I will look into it and check back :)
  18. I think it is great! At our church they mostly sit on the floor and play with toys with the little ones, the adults usually don't have time to while tending to crying babies and teaching the lesson.
  19. I have never seen anyone in my church or my denomination (Wesleyan/holiness) cover their head. I have attended some COGIC Pentecostal churches where every single woman had a huge hat on. Not sure if it was religious or fashion but I tend to think religious because they don't wear them outside of church. Around where I grew up in Oregon I saw women with head coverings at grocery stores, malls, etc. We have a lot of Friends (Quakers) and Mennonites in our area. I think it looks pretty.
  20. I have done it both ways. At our old house we had a windy gravel rode and lived 20 min out of town. When I would call 9-1-1 it went to the county's sheriff office and then they had to contact the closest city's fire station (all our ambulances operate out of our fire stations). I could have my son in the ER before they even ARRIVED at my house since the road was so windy, narrow and gravel. (I am a country driver though and can go down it in no time :)) Plus since it was always an emergency with a child who had a very low O2 percentage I never waited and usually wasn't even triaged. Just run up to the front desk and tell them we own a pulse oximeter it was --% righ now and everyone starts running. lol. Even in the huge hospital in Portland when they see a child who is turning blue or is only satting at 65% they won't make you wait. I have also met the ambulances when we were needing to go to the children's hospital an hour away. Once I am inside big city lines would call 9-1-1. Then i have gotten him to an ambulance quickly through the middle of nowhere and he can be cared for and get through big city traffic the rest of the way We have waited for the ambulance when my dad had a stroke (he is a big guy!) and also for head injuries though. If I had no idea what the problem was I might wait for the ambulance too. Ours is predictable most of the time and know how it should be handled. I have heard of a lot of times though when people have driven family members to the ER where I think oh my I would have called an ambulance!
  21. I voted Coca-cola. I drink Sprite and can't stand Sierra Mist! UGH I don't like any colas though so no opinion there.
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