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Everything posted by Virg

  1. TP, tooth paste, laundry detergent, milk, sour cream, sugar..... I have issues
  2. My children were in the living room when we turned on the tv and found out. They were both very happy! They know about 9-11 and their only Uncle, my little brother, is in the army so they know about the war on terror. They like to watch military documentaries so they were interested in how it happened and which branch of the military did it, were the SEALS involved, etc. We had a good discussion.
  3. Yeah we're in Utah now too and I couldn't believe how much snow we got last night. In April. HUGE change from OR!
  4. :lol: My brother will be EXACTLY that kind of DH! At least yours admits it :) My brother admits it too and usually it adds to his charm enough that I give in and do it. I feel badly for his poor DW (when he finds one), my mom and I have spoiled him horribly!
  5. I know exactly what you mean! So far my children have agreed with me and I try not to worry but it is a little frightening that our values are SO different from everyone around us. Before we moved it wasn't so bad at least my whole family was also CC.
  6. If I have a rubberband to put up my hair and it is warm I will put my windows down. If my asthmatic son is in the car I can't though because of all the dust and pollutants from the cars around us. He has to have the air going through the HEPA cabin filter.
  7. I have never been to a one where girl children weren't allowed. I do think it is odd. Esp since you are traveling. However my family is really into... well family. I can't imagine not inviting my mother or mil! (Well maybe my new MIL but she hates me lol.) We also a lot of times have 2 or even 3 showers. One for family, friends and a lot of times, and sometimes your church throws you one too. I have also been to only one "no children allowed" wedding. Even the formal evening weddings I have been to have allowed children. I honestly am not sure if I would go. Not really to be mean but just because I don't like leaving my kids over night and if they weren't welcome I would feel irritated at the event, OTOH is it something you really want to miss? It sucks that you were put in this position!
  8. Leftover Easter ham made into ham and bean soup. Tomorrow I am making slow cooker clam chowder.
  9. Our insurance paid for it so I don't know what the actual cost is but my twins went for a year and our copay was $25 per visit. We had a amazing results but I was VERY strict about them doing the exercises each day at home so it wouldn't be a waste of time/money. Even just the $25 was a stretch for us because of all of our other medical costs we have.
  10. I was a PK teacher and what you have noticed is very normal for many children. :)
  11. Ewww That totally freaked me out and I am not normally squeamish!
  12. I have on idea about my new state but in OR there was no public PK except Head Start, in which you had to be below the poverty line or bilingual, or Early Intervention. Both are free and Early Intervention is free no matter how much you make. My children went to Early Intervention because of severe speech issues, you would also qualify for other developmental delays, handicaps, autism, etc. PKs are pretty expensive unless you participate in one that is a co-op
  13. We take the day off! :) But I admit I am a HUGE holiday person!
  14. We will be praying for you and your children. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. Did you call CBD to get the free shipping code?
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