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Everything posted by Virg

  1. Yeah I really don't understand which one paypal options I am supposed to use. I have only used it a couple of times and only for this forum.
  2. Okay I will be honest. I wouldn't eat it. I can't stand things not put in proper containers. BUT I have issues....... :tongue_smilie:
  3. Ooh thanks! I watched the whole first season yesterday and didn't know that another season was starting. It was definitely... interesting. ;)
  4. My whole family is Nazarene. My bro is a pastor and so were my gpa, uncle, etc. It is Wesleyan and has a holiness philosophy. Very big on Philippines 4:8. Pretty conservative but not over-the-top control, what-you-do type of church. :) We really like it. Church to church it varies whether they dress up or not. It isn't required and most are pretty casual. Same with music. I have been to Nazarene churches with an older congregation and they sang all hymns and some with all praise choruses. It just depends on the congregation. Communion is for all believers and doesn't depend with membership. Offering is encouraged as 10% and part of your worship but is done privately and no one checks up on it. Let me know if you have any more questions. Even if I don't know I can call my dad or brother. ETA: Yes we believe you can "lose" your salvation. Kind of. We believe that salvation depends on a relationship with Jesus. If you sinned and died before you could confess but had a close relationship with Jesus you would not go to hell. However we do not follow the Calvinist belief of once saved always saved. If you were saved at 20, fell away at 30 and had no relationship with God the rest of your life we do not believe you would go to heaven. However one unconfessed sin would not **** you either. Also do not believe in predestination, God wants us all and it is up to us to accept his love.
  5. My twins are 10 and just recently started doing their own. I still do their toes sometimes if I notice them though.
  6. We used Connections Academy for my son in 8th grade and will probably continue after we move. I agree with a PP that is is definitely not as hands-off as it makes it seem. We had a pretty good experience. If your child is not self-motivated it takes a lot more on your part. My mom used it with my little sisters and had good experiences except with the first grader. With her she said first grade would have been easier to do by yourself. Pros: I didn't have to plan anything. They do all the grading. The teacher stayed in close contact and allowed me input, for instance when I said that I didn't feel one story was appropriate. Cons: Required me to do a LOT of motivating with my non-self-starter. Most of the work isn't graded, turned in or corrected, with some children this will lead to you not realizing there is an issue, with my child it was him skipping pretty much all of the work. I had to spend quite a bit of time checking up on him. Not very flexible for our schedule.
  7. I have dealt with this a lot. My twins have had horrible asthma since birth and they used to scream a lot for neb treatments, especially when they were very sick. All the PPs ideas have been great but yes sometimes you just have to deal with ten minutes of screaming while holding them tight, with the tv up to a ridiculous volume hoping they will watch it at some point and can hear it over the neb, all the while wanting to rip out your own hair. The TV really distracted my children sometimes. Letting them play with it helped them get familiar with it. If they were asleep I would NEVER wake them up if possible! (Some kids wake up easily, I know.) However, the sicker my kids were they more it upset them. I honestly think they feel like I am trying to suffocate them when they already feel like they can't breathe. If nothing else feel comforted that if they are screaming they are actually inhaling the medicine deeper into their lungs than they normally would. Our pulmonologist says, "Let them scream, they'll get better more quickly." (Don't know if that is actually true, just what he says.)
  8. We have had her evaluated twice by our local children's hospital development clinic. They use four+ sessions to test psych, school, IQ/brain function and whatever other area the child needs. We see psych, developmental pediatricians, occupation therapists, etc. All aspects of her memory are in the above average band so testing says. I was shocked. In both tests there was absolutely nothing wrong that didn't level with the lower IQ. It was very frustrating and as it has only been 6 months since the last one, we have to wait another 6 months. (We get it done as often as our insurance pays which is once a year.) As far as her ODD, she is not on meds because when she wants something she can basically turn off the disorder. For instance at Christmas, the two weeks before she is an angel because she wants presents. They have never seen anything like it and we have seen multiple therapists. The newest psych doing her therapy didn't believe me until he saw it happen. It is just the weirdest thing. She doesn't test for ADHD, sensory issues, anything. The only areas she scored high on are anti-social and violent tendencies. Her pscyh honestly thinks she is a sociopath. I will continue with the mastery approach then. (At least until we get more answers.) I just wasn't sure how it would look for her to continue to do 2nd grade work at 11 years old. I have to explain myself to a ridiculous level every time we have an eval done. I wanted to make sure I wasn't really far off. I hate pushing her through if she doesn't understand it though so that makes me feel better. She does read at grade level and can answer direct comprehension questions, just not abstract one. She has all her math facts memorized she just can't use them.
  9. Just for background: my step daughter has suspected fetal alcohol effects and has a very severe case of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. When her dad and I got married she was in third grade for the second time and still not passing OR state standards 3/4 of the way through the year. (The 2 third grades were at 2 different schools.) Her dad decided to have her homeschool with my children hoping it would help. At the time my twins were about to start second with A Beka and when I had her do a general assessment with A Beka standards I found she could not do most of it so had her join them and do second again. At the end of the year she was getting mostly Cs and a few Bs but really still didn't understand many things- time, multiplication, fractions, etc. At this point she was 10. She was also having severe behavior issues also by now and because she was refusing to do school or go back to PS we got Christian Light packets. I saw that there were major differences and got the last third of 2nd again. She doesn't get it. Any of it. I got some public school packets from a special ed teacher who evaluated her and my son. She doesn't get these either. She misses 8 out of 15 on each page, when she corrects it she might get 4 more right. I can explain the last 4 problems in ten different ways and still nothing. She has done third twice with two different teachers and has used four different second programs with two different teachers. Nothing works. We have had her evaluated multiple times they cannot tell us what is the issue. Her IQ is low average and they say her learning scores match that and at this point she does not have a learning disorder just it is difficult for her to learn. I don't know what to do anymore. I have bought target books to help with individual ideas such as time. A lot of times she will get it at the end of the lesson enough to solve the last few problems but the next day she can't do it again. If anything, I thought A Beka would have enough review that she wouldn't be able to forget how to do each concept but she does. Here is my question: In PS special ed do they just have them repeat the same work over and over if they don't get it or give them the next grade each year and whatever they learn they learn? I can't actually put her in special ed because she refuses to go. I would like to replicate it at home as closely as I can. The schools in our new state won't help me and I have tried Google and my search wording must be off lol. Any help or ideas is welcome! (Please no debate on the part about putting her into school. Anyone who has a chid with ODD that scores way into CD at 11 knows that there is no way I can make her. I won't even try, it isn't a battle I can win. I can't even keep her from sneaking out of her room with alarms on doors and windows and cameras all through the house. All I can do is catch her quickly. Behavior is what it is, the schooling is my concern ATM.)
  10. Oregon gets an F too. I am sure it deserves it but thank goodness I went to a private school that used it's own curriculum and standards so I don't know personally.
  11. I shower 1-2 times a day and wash my hair every time. I do it because: I love water. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years and you have to wash out the chlorine if you don't want your hair ruined. Since I had 2 practices a day, I got used to 2 showers a day at 7 y.o. Competitive swimming is also why I shave everything every other day too. Now I am used to it and hate feeling "hairy." It is relaxing. I have serious "clean" issues with everything. (We even all use flushable Huggies wipes!) My hair is baby fine and has been oily since I was a baby. I like to smell good. I LOVE my warm vanilla sugar! (So does DH hee hee.) AND I am alone in the shower!!! Everyone in my house showers every day. DH showers 1-3x a day. He also has clean issues lol. The kids all shower 1x a day, every morning. Sometimes a second time if they go outside and get really smelly. DH and step kids only wash their hair 2x a week as they are AA. My twins are mixed but have hair like mine and wash theirs every day.
  12. My husband works for a certain giant cable company so we get ALL 999 channels. Every movie channel, every HD channel, all the music channels,.... For free. (Along with internet and landline phone service but I won't brag lol) I would NEVER pay for what we have but we would probably have cable otherwise. I grew up with only 4 channels in the country and have had cable for 2 years now. I really like having access to some channels. The history channels especially. I won't lie, we watch TV lol. We have 2 DVRs. (I LOVE not watching commercials now!) There is an HD one in our bedroom for our shows: Law & Order, NCIS, The Office, and adult themed history docs like some of the ones on Rome or the Holocuast. The kids have a DVR in the living room for their shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the only cartoon, an occasional movie that I will record for them or holiday specials and their docs to watch, for instance LIFE, WII in color, SEALS, River Monsters, etc (they LOVE to watch documentaries esp if it has guns, war or scary animals lol). We have every channel locked on the living room TV and the playroom TV (playroom tv is for daycare). I have to unlock it if they want to watch any show which really helps with controlling TV time and because I am pretty strict on content. I am in the minority, I don't mind guns and war but don't like language, dating stuff and meanness for the little ones. My boys repeat every funny line from everything they see so I have to be careful or I will never hear the end of it. :)
  13. Art, Foreign Language, Latin.... Also I would love them to learn an instrument but really just can't afford it *sigh* I keep saying hopefully next year and now my DC are ten!
  14. My step-children have FAS and we told them not that long ago. At first they were upset esp. with their mother (whom they do not see) but in the long run it has REALLY relieved their frustration. We do not allow them to use it as an excuse to not try, but they were struggling so much understanding abstract math and comprehension questions and now they know why. They no longer see themselves as "stupid" or "dumb" and are able to understand that these things will be hard for them. It has also helped in areas like impulse control. They are starting to understand that their first judgement will usually not be correct and that seeking advice or stopping before deciding anything is a good stop-gap. Quick or emotional judgments is something their brain does not do well. We try to encourage all four children to learn to make their own accommodations (with our support) for their difficulties since as adults they will have to without us. (One twin has anxiety, reading and speech disorders so everyone has things to deal with.) I can't say it is the right choice for everyone but it has worked for us. We reaffirm that everyone struggles in different areas and these things are their areas, here is the reason but we can learn to deal with it.
  15. I am with several of the PPs I eagerly started reading thinking this thread was about something else....:001_smile: Good to know though I do drink lots of actual tea, maybe I will slow down a little.
  16. I tend to tune the children and their noise out and I honestly don't mean to. I am an avid reader and as a child I ignored everything going around me and read for hours. Most things get ignored in my world unless I am specifically focusing on that thing. The downside is my DH gets ignored if I am reading or focusing on something also. In our house DC are supposed to say, "Excuse me, Ma'am?" When I hear this I look at them and they know I am paying attention otherwise I don't even realize they are talking. My DC hardly ever do it though and often my DH will say, "Seriously honey, ANSWER HIM! He has asked you four times!" I will look up confused and ask what was said. :001_huh: Instead of making sure I hear them they just repeat themselves over and over. I feel bad and DH keeps saying I need to work on it but I don't know how to make myself hear something I just don't hear. :blush5: Poor family!
  17. That is ridiculous! We are moving to Utah in 31 days... Is this only for Provo?
  18. How Scary! We will be praying for you and for her recovery! :grouphug:
  19. I had SVT for years and when I was 16 I had a successful ablation done. I haven't had any problems since and am 29 now. It was very scary and I am so glad that mine worked. It was fixed by a pediatric cardiologist here in OR. I am so sorry you and your child have to go through this. :grouphug::grouphug:
  20. My three boys all have a DSlite and actually I do too. They play it in the car, at doctor's offices, etc. I rarely allow it to be played at home. They are very useful and I love mine. (I wouldn't recommend a DSI though it takes pictures that can be posted online, etc but that is just me.)
  21. I thought you were VERY gracious! :) Good job! I am not sure I could have done something so coherent, firm and yet respectful.
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