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Everything posted by Swimtaxi234

  1. I made 200+ bag tags recently and this week I am working on the next two designs for events coming up. I'm not sure why I am having trouble posting photos of the bag tags here, but this is a link to the blog post I made. http://swimtaxi234.blogspot.com/2013/09/200-sports-bag-tags.html (I finally got the photo to post!!!)
  2. My daughter said the killer was Ellie's husband during the episode where David Tennant was invited to their house for dinner. I told her that she was out of her mind and she quickly reminded me of it when we watched the last show.
  3. My son loves his headphones by Turtle Beach/
  4. I am so STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!! I clicked on the link because I didn't know what the cards were and/or how serious this problem, etc. I share an Amazon prime account with my entire family and those cards are going to pop up as suggestions and my children will see them. Warning to others in this situation ... don't click on the link. :cursing: (OP - I am angry at myself for clicking, not for you posting it to Amazon).
  5. Call your vet and ask if you can give your dog a Benedryl to help with the itching.
  6. My daughter is feeling a little better, but she still has a raging fever. We also learned that this bug is racing through the water polo team. GROAN!
  7. My 16-year-old daughter was up all night vomiting and when I checked on her early this morning, I could tell she had a fever. Since I knew she wouldn't be able to attend her DE class this morning, I decided to just let her sleep. Around 8 a.m., I heard my cell phone ding indicating a text message. Everyone knows that I don't like to text/talk on the phone during school so I was curious to see who sent me a text. :laugh: The text was from my daughter asking if she could have some ice chips since it had been a few hours since her last vomiting session. I brought my daughter some ice chips (her room is upstairs on the other side of the house) and I tried to do anything to give her some comfort. Just before I left, I told her to text me again for anything and she said in a weary voice, "Mom, it used to be that you would give us a bell to ring." I asked her if she would like me to exchange her beloved cell phone for a bell and the shocked look on her face was priceless as she held tight to her phone just in case I wasn't joking. :laugh: She is weak, but she has her play-away book on tape, her MP3, her laptop, and her cell phone. She just sent me a text saying she heard back from her college professor with today's assignments and asked me to bring up her textbook and some more ice chips. Modern technology + a stomach bug = an easier life for me. I haven't had to make unnecessary trips up and down the stairs since she can tell me what she needs.
  8. This topic is near to my heart since I have a young relative that had double concussions within a month (soccer injuries) and now a year later she still suffers greatly. We don't know if she will ever fully recover. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3359788/
  9. I used one for a few years, but it was always so uncomfortable that I was thrilled when I found the Softcup. I buy them at Walmart.
  10. Unless you hit a deal, you will probably spend $1,500+ a person on round trip plane tickets. Once you have that, I would look at a minimum of $300-$500 a day for hotel and food. If you travel from location to location, you need to budget for that (trains/flights/rental car/taxi/bus). Fees for attractions can be $100 for a family of 4 - if not more (look for discount tickets like a English Heritage Pass or Paris Pass - multiple venues for one price). We more than got our money's worth because of pre-planning our routes/transporation.
  11. Scary story ... My dear friend had asthma as a child, but she had been healthy for 15 years until they moved to a rental last summer. After living there for 9 months, she couldn't figure out why she had been sick. I think it was in late March that my friend was rushed to the ER for an bad asthma attack and then admitted to the hospital. When she was release and recovering, they found wet carpet in a closet. When they looked closer, they found dark black mold growing up the walls. They sent samples to the lab and the results were so intense with bad spores and the amount of spores that they immediately moved to a new house with zero carpeting. It was so bad that the landlords released them from their lease. Thankfully my girlfriend has been so healthy in the past few months and hasn't needed to use her inhaler or take meds.
  12. As a busy Mom, my heart goes out to you in this difficult situation. :grouphug: I will say that the above quote made me stop and read it twice. Just recently I saw my husband do something in the house that made me comment, "What a great job!" He laughed and said that years ago he didn't want to be bothered doing it so he just did it poorly until I took over the task. If you son has 3 ten minute periods to get on the computer, text friends, or watch TV (once or twice a week), then he has the time to work in the yard doing a GOOD job. If you share how completely overwhelmed you are in life to give HIM all of the extracurricular luxuries, maybe he will feel some ownership in your financial journey for his benefit. However all of that is a moot point if he honestly has no free minutes to help. I also agree that one or both of your children seem old enough to take the city bus since you have a bus stop so close.
  13. I spoke with a family friend last night that is a high school teacher. Despite having a master's degree, he feels the new Common Core is going to destroy what was the "norm" for teachers, etc. He has been given awards in the past for his achievements as a science teacher, but after our conversation, I was left with the opinion that I don't think he will be a teacher much longer.
  14. We are a military family and when we moved from Virginia, they hounded us with letters and then they kept calling my cell phone (the only number I had ever given them). Each time I told them they should feel free to contact my new state for verification, but I absolutely refused to give them my new address. They eventually stopped sending letters and calling.
  15. In addition to Craig's List, type in your zip code and "rentals". You never know if there is another source in your small area.
  16. Thanks to a thread on the Hive, I got the courage to try Ion hair cream color from Sally's. It is easy and inexpensive. If you are military, you can get a free membership card and they mail monthly coupons.
  17. I can't find the link to the shirt I love, but this one is close enough for you to get the idea. http://homeschoolmania.com/shop/article_200.001/Homeschool-Fish-Ladies-Cut.html?sessid=mwt2l1D28zsdgNG9bskftreELBg8O0fxpVAOglsNeTfUJYtabAHw9KLVltGWEF4U&shop_param=cid%3D3%26aid%3D200.001%26 Love the first one ... Parent Teacher's Conference ... http://homeschooltshirts.spreadshirt.com/
  18. Last March, I was given a swag when I worked as a USA Swim Official and while it was packed with items, my favorite thing was a flash drive on a lanyard. I use that flash drive all the time.
  19. Thanks, but I don't need 99.99999% of the teacher's guide. I only want 1-2 pages so it isn't worth $15.
  20. I am looking for someone who has the IEW SICC - Level B. I am using this program with my son and for the first time I didn't buy the teacher's manual since I have been using IEW for years. Sadly, the only thing I miss about the teacher's manual is the nice list of the timeline for watching the instruction videos. The Scope and Sequence lacks the timeline indicators like - disc 2 watch from 5:21 to 33.02. My son works so much better when he knows "how long" he will need sit and watch. If you would be willing to scan that sheet(s) from the teacher's manual, I would greatly appreciate it.
  21. FYI - My daughter did a core workout this morning on our fitness ball. She worked up a sweat and said it was a great workout.
  22. My daughter and I took a free online class at Hillsdale College (US Constitution class) and loved it. We watched videos of the classes, reviewed the material and our notes, and took the tests. You might find other colleges that offer free classes, not to pursue a degree, but more for enrichment and fun.
  23. I need to buy color ink cartridges too! We just finished our 3rd week of school and I have been using my printer like crazy. OP - If you ever want to know what your adult neighbors think and/or feel about something, just listen to their children - as you so rudely found out this morning. They think you spend too much money on printer ink and you sit around watching TV all day. NICE!
  24. My daughter has been driving by herself since early last December (at 15 1/2-years-old), but I just realized a few weeks ago that I am now a lot calmer when she leaves, so it does take time. My rule still stands - my daughter or my son - her only allowed passenger - have to text me when they get to their destination and when they leave to head home.
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