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Everything posted by Swimtaxi234

  1. I SOBBED - as in the big BOO HOO crying when David Tennant regenerated. It was beautifully acted.
  2. I love mine. You don't need to take it off to shower. When you want to chart your sleep, tap it until you see the two blinking lights. I love the alarm feature too.
  3. Search your camera's brand and model # looking for an online tutorial or find some digital photography sites/blogs.
  4. Here is a blog post with photos and details on how to use a stain to transform your cabinets.
  5. This is a family favorite. I love the combo with the Swiss cheese/eggs/sausage. YUM!
  6. Is your husband active duty military? If so and the base is a US base, have you tried to borrow supplies from Airman's Attic? We have borrowed pots, pans, cups, etc. until our household goods arrived.
  7. In this politically charged atmosphere, I would never suggest any changes to the US Constitution because it would open doors for worse things. I don't view the US Constitution as a "living document" as the current president and his pals do, so it would make me nervous (a camel's nose kind of thinking).
  8. You need a lap tray with a lip like this one and a cheap bag of marbles (and ear plugs for the adults). :thumbup1: My son would spend an hour at a time playing with the marbles, dumping them from a cup to a cup or chasing the marbles around with little matchbox cars (between the ages of 6-9). I didn't care if marbles fell out when we made pit stops because the marbles were cheap entertainment. I thought I would lose my mind a few times from the noise, but ds was so well entertained that it was easier to trade drivers so my husband could enjoy the noise and I could rest my ears. :D I also remember bringing blank printer paper (cheap) and a bucket of foam stickers from Michael's (cheap). This was a quiet activity that both of my children enjoyed.
  9. We are actually watching a Star Trek: Next Generation right now. Love that old series.
  10. I love my Fitbit Flex and only take it off once a week to charge it. I love that since I wear it, I won't lose it or send it through the washer/dryer like so many others and I love that I can wear it washing dishes and in the shower, etc. I used to wear it for water aerobics too!
  11. Have you tried to edit your selection on the Amazon site under "Manage Your Kindle"? I'm not sure if the Kindle readers work on the cloud system, but you might also be able to edit what is on your device vs the cloud.
  12. We have two 8.9" Kindle Fire tablets, but both are Wi-Fi only because we have wifi in our house AND when my husband travels, he can usually find wifi in airports and hotels. The color is AMAZING! My daughter also has a first generation Kindle Fire and while it is smaller and thicker, it still works great.
  13. My too and I got caught yesterday. :laugh: I heard the mail truck, but I thought it had already passed my house when I walked outside. Ooops! The truck was just pulling to my mailbox. He smiled at me and asked, "Are you looking for something special? I noticed you heading out here for the past few days." I laughed and told him what I was looking for and asked if he had delivered any others, but he said he hadn't seen any yet this year ... AND ... that there was another mom in our neighborhood doing the same thing. :laugh:
  14. My son has watched A&E's version of P&P a few times. I doubt I could get him to read the book, but he knows the story.
  15. My daughter is in amazing shape from club swimming and club water polo, but she still wakes up early 3-4 times a week to workout to videos. Instead of letting me buy her some videos, she just searches on YouTube and alternates videos she finds. She likes the Jillian Michaels "Shred" videos and her current favorite is this one. Check your library system for videos on yoga, etc.
  16. Thanks! I also wanted to post that my daughter has a homeschooled girlfriend who got her results in the mail yesterday (just found out tonight). I will be stalking watching the mail for the next week or so.
  17. Is there a general time frame that PSAT results are available in December?
  18. Congrats! Selling your house after such a long time has got to be exciting and your new house sounds great!
  19. My children have been in charge of setting up the tree and all of the decorations for the past 7 years. I hang out with them while they decorate, but they have loved having ownership in the tree, etc. They tell each other stories about the ornaments, etc. like I used to tell them when they were young. Granted, we lost all of our Christmas decorations from when they were young (moving truck caught fire in 2006), so since they were there when we bought everything after the fire, they really do know their stories about specific ornaments and decorations.
  20. It is a little overwhelming thinking about all the things we have to do, but it is also exciting thinking about new paint colors and maybe some new furniture (fingers crossed on that one - LOL).
  21. We have been house hunting since last April, but it was mostly looking at houses online and going to view a few houses (we had a long picky "want" list). We weren't in any hurry and our agent was patient. On Monday, we left for an errand and when we were almost home, we saw a new for sale sign on a house in our neighborhood. I called our agent to get the specifics and it turned out house wasn't in the MLS yet. We made an appointment to see the house the next night, we loved it enough that we stayed there a few hours, then we made an offer. We were the third family to see the house that day and seven more families saw the house the next day. We were getting discouraged knowing that so many more families had seen the house after us. We heard just before the 8 p.m. deadline last night that the home owners picked us over the other offers (one was even for cash) despite our much lower offer. Our agent had written the home owners a letter describing us as a nice family, etc. and the couple liked the idea of our family living in the home they had lived in for almost two decades. This could have easily been a bidding war situation that we would have lost, so if you are in the market for a new house, don't discount the power of a well written letter. We didn't see the letter, but it must have been well written since we were picked. My daughter and I took our dogs for a walk after our Thanksgiving meal and we met our new neighbors that were outside and they have children the same age as our children. The new neighbors told us that the home owners told them all about the "new family" who was going to buy the house, etc. Wheee! If I could get the smilies to work, I would have one doing the happy dance.
  22. We used our normal turkey brine and for some reason, this was the best turkey in 7 years. It was simply AMAZING!!!!
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