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Everything posted by Swimtaxi234

  1. :hurray: :hurray: BRAG away!!! Please keep us posted on this amazing opportunity. I'm positive the Hive cyber-family would become her biggest fans. I am a USA Swim deck official (referee) and I always feel so honored to watch differently abled swimmers compete with mainstream swimmers and I fall in love with swimming and swim families more and more every time I watch them clapping and sending encouragements.
  2. Our 16-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son compete year round and play water polo club team year round. They just had a two week break from swimming and are back in the water doing both sports 5 days a week and couldn't be happier. New gear ... my son just moved up to the senior's group so he started using a snorkel in practice. He was used to all of the other equipment (paddles, buoy, fins, etc.), but he hadn't used the snorkel yet and he is happy now. I am a super happy Swim Taxi Mom because now that my daughter has a car, she drives them to swim and water polo 4 days of the week and I only have to drive once a week. WOOT!!! :hurray: :hurray: After 7 years of driving to swim practice, I am now cruising to the lazy life ... :laugh: ... or I would be lazy if I didn't keep volunteering for projects and/or trying to now do all of the things on my lengthy To-Do list.
  3. http://swimtaxi234.blogspot.com/2012/01/meet-thor.html My son has an Electrix ECX RC Torment that he had not destroyed in the last 18 months. It might be a little pricey, but he has driven it over dirt, grass, rocks, down stairs, into a tree, etc.
  4. I was too embarrassed to open a "news" story yesterday that said women were "helped" from their hot flashes/night sweats problems by using a v&&brator. :scared: Since the NSA tracks everything I pictured some office geek laughing at me being silly enough to open that link so I decided to NOT be curious. :D
  5. Since I have BTDT, I disagree that Teaching Textbooks is a strong math program. I used TT for my daughter for 7th, algebra I, algebra II, and geometry, but she was completely unprepared with I moved her to Thinkwell pre-calculus. We had to spend a lot of time last year learning how to do algebra properly and fix geometry issues and she never missed anything when she did her TT assignments. We honestly thought TT was a wonderful program, but now I am selling all of my TT from 4th to geometry because I won't let my younger son use the program anymore. I switched him to Thinkwell too. I am already seeing issues that he wasn't prepared enough for 8th grade - but with extra work he should be fine.
  6. Why don't they refer to the new niece-in-law as, "Jane Smith Doe"? My sil and I have the same first names and if anyone is confused, we toss in a maiden name.
  7. We are starting our 2nd week of school today, but I had those same thoughts as I raced the clock planning my history and science.
  8. I was just talking with a friend a few days ago and she shocked me by saying her 13-year-old daughter's psychiatrist has her on 9 mg of melatonin during the day just to keep her calm enough to let the other meds work (big personality disorder issues). I have been letting my son take 1 mg to help with his night terrors and sleep issues, but 9 mg was shocking. I keep trying to find an alternative to the 1 mg melatonin since he didn't like drinking the Natural Calm.
  9. This is another thing we can see from our front porch. I wrote a blog post about them where I included the "Beep, beep" from the cartoon. That might have been the first time we saw Roadrunners in this town, but we see them all the time now.
  10. We only have two children, so it was easy for our family. We said the rule was the oldest child always got the front seat if they were both in the car - no questions! They are 16- and 13-years-old and so far we haven't had any issues. I saw our friends juggle who sat in the front seat and decided that I didn't want that.
  11. I like watching hot air balloons from my front porch. I have learned to LOVE the brown shades and take delight in little pops of color. I love our mountains, the amazing weather (62 degrees this morning), and the wonderful people who live here.
  12. I used birthday money to buy myself a Fitbit Flex and I love it. I wear it 24/7 and only take it off to charge it once a week. I wear it in the shower and when I go swimming. I wish it showed the steps, etc., but my girlfriend kept having her Fitbit One fall off, so I went with the Flex. Mine was on backorder for 7 weeks, but I feel it was worth the wait. While we were on vacation, I could tell I was close to 10,000 steps so I kept walking the halls and even my children cheered when I got the notification that I hit 10,000 steps.
  13. I suggest using the "Place" command. I'm sure you can google it or find it on Youtube. Before we feed our dogs, we point and say, "Place" and our dogs move to a special mat to sit and wait. If we are cooking and they are underfoot, I have a mat in the kitchen and I point to the mat and say, "Place", someone at the door, etc. LOVE using this command! :thumbup1:
  14. Check your area for a mobile phone repair service. They might have used phones for purchase - no shipping.
  15. I got really tired of listening to the radio this summer, so I have been listening to older CDs - Garth Brooks, Vince Gill, Martina McBride, Hootie and the Blowfish, Janet Jackson, etc. I had forgotten how much I liked those songs/artists.
  16. Years ago, our neighbors (Romanian citizens living/working in the US) asked us to pick up a laptop for them from a relative when we were visiting Paris. I told them I would be uncomfortable hauling it around with me while we traveled, etc. A few months later, someone from the US government was interviewing neighbors, etc. because this person wanted a job and I remember the hairs on my neck standing up when one of the questions was something like, "Did this person ever ask you to ... ?" It might have been a harmless situation all around, but i am so glad I said, "No".
  17. http://www.houzz.com/clothespins Instead of curtains, you could string a wire across the doors and hang children's art, funky colored placemats, etc without a lot of $$.
  18. The above does not fall into the "hacked" category. When spam is sent to others from an email account, it is a indication that there is a malware on the computer. If people (e.g., my older family members) don't know that they need to scan for malware on their computer, I generally suggest they need to also scan for a virus afterwards since they tend to not know about that either. I always suggest starting with Malwarebytes and AVG - both can be downloaded for free from CNET.com.
  19. I got rid of both the free Deck Pass and the DP Plus because I couldn't easily switch between my children and because as a deck offical, it messed up my account, but my girlfriend loves to use Deck Pass Plus instead of Meet Mobile. While I had DP Plus, I remember liking the extra features over the free DP app, but I can't remember what those features were since it seems like everything I want is always on Meet Mobile - if the meet has wifi. I don't know about adding additional times, but hopefully someone can offer some help.
  20. I wanted to add that I make myself a cheat sheet before every meet so I don't have to hold on to the meet sheet. I create a simple table that has 5 columns going across with the following headings: Event Heat/Lane Seed Time State Time result "Event" - I put the event number and event name (#3 100 free) Heat - I leave this blank and fill it in after looking at a heat sheet Seed time - I bold the seed time if it has already achieved a state time and put A, AA, etc. next to the time State time - I keep the state time listed for that event Results - I leave the column blank to add the time Under this chart, I keep a USA Swimming Motivational Times chart with all of the events for A, AA, AAA, AAAA times. The size of these charts together is only half of a 8.5x11 page, so once I cut out the charts, I fold them in half and then that in half. It fits nicely in my pocket with a pen and it frees up my hands to film or cheer.
  21. If your son is swimming in a USA Swimming sanctioned meet, you might get lucky to have the Meet Mobile app work. If the pool has WiFi for the instant uploads for MM, you might also find the USA swimming Deck Pass Plus a good option, but that one isn't a free app like Meet Mobile.
  22. I use one grocery card because it gives points to lower their price of gas, but since their groceries are so overpriced I rarely shop there.
  23. :hurray: We say that all the time. My daughter is also creeped out by "Weeping Angels". I laugh at her misery (just to keep myself from being creeped out. :laugh:
  24. Our club team (year round competitive swimming) offers a swim group for beginners. Children who have learned the basics can join the team and they work on strokes in this low stress, fun environment. They can even compete since this area has a few low stress swim meets for the beginners.
  25. I am a closet Dr. Who fan. Other than my daughter, I don't have anyone around me that watches the show, but I LOVE it. I don't really care for the aliens, but I love the characters. I was walking through a store recently when I heard someone say the above quote and I was so happy that I turned on the spot and started talking to them.
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