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Everything posted by Swimtaxi234

  1. We opened a checking account for our daughter and got a debit card to go with the account. I add money to the account as needed, but my daughter only uses the card to fill up my tank (and hers once we buy her a car) and she uses the card when I have her run errands. My daughter has learned how to balance her checkbook and is learning financial responsibility at 15-years-old. We will probably continue to pay for her gas and insurance, etc. at least through high school, if not well into college.
  2. You could download books from your local library. As long as you find WiFi along the way, you can download more as she needs them. Spend a little time looking for books to borrow while you are still at home to make it easier while you are on the road (BTDT).
  3. I am so very thankful that someone told us to teach our dogs the "Place" command because they liked to try to sneak out our front door when it was opened. Now, two years later, when someone comes to our door we say, "Place" and point to the nearest "bed/mat, etc." and our dogs will move to that area and sit. Amazingly this is something they picked up quickly and haven't ever forgotten. We make them go to "place" before they eat, etc. just as a reminder to them. On a quick google search, I found youtube links, etc. so maybe this is something you could start with to help teach your dog to be calm when doors are opened so you have some kind of control.
  4. Texas might not have an income tax, but when we lived there, we paid a fortune in property taxes.
  5. Our dogs have various chew toys, but their favorites are the ones my daughter makes likes these: (original blog post with more photos)
  6. I would look for the most expensive Marriott like in NYC to get the most bang for the free buck. :laugh:
  7. I am going to send you a PM with a detailed letter explaining what parents are expected to do (volunteer and/or be fined).
  8. I agree with the others who are thanking you for posting this story. I haven't heard or read about this part of the tragedy and I am going to share it with others.
  9. Thanks everyone and thanks for the sweet comments about my son. He is such a sweet boy! I was shaking from a sugar/chocolate high after I had one piece so I stayed away from it after that. :001_smile:
  10. I think I saw a link to a Kit Kat Cake on the Hive sometime this spring and I kept the idea in the back of my head to suggest to my son for his birthday. He loved the idea. I posted about it on my blog yesterday and today so I wanted to share the finished results in case anyone else was looking for a cute, but easy cake to make.
  11. This week we have had a dust storm, rain, snow, and freeze alerts. I'm ready for the warm weather again.
  12. This week we have had a dust storm, rain, snow, and freeze alerts. I'm ready for the warm weather again.
  13. I laughed about that night time routine since it has been so long since my son needed me for his bedtime routine, but I will definitely look into the Bad Dream Sprinkles since I want to do something that will help my son get a good night's sleep.
  14. The Natural Calm looks interesting. What flavor do you like best? How much do you take? I am going to also think about the magnesium oil. That sounds interesting too.
  15. I copied the above quote from a current thread, but I started my own thread because my questions are slightly different than in that thread. My son has had night terrors for years. When I read a thread last week that mentioned the connection between night terrors and a magnesium deficiency, I was excited, then angry that none of the doctors I have asked over the years have ever suggested a connection. I wasn't able to find the answers to my questions after an internet search, so I thought I would come back here to ask. 1) I bought the Epson salts, but since my son only takes showers I wasn't sure what to do. Does it have to be a bath or could I have him soak his feet? 2) We made a list of foods that are high in magnesium, but while I know he would eat some of those foods, I am worried that I won't be able to get enough magnesium in him a day. Is there a supplement that you have successfully used on your child?
  16. Since we have moved 16 times in 26 years with the military, I can't imagine living somewhere long enough to need to memorize my library card. I just keep a file on my computer desktop with my library card number so I can easily copy/paste it when I want to open my online account.
  17. You could buy a simple rug from Home Depot, etc. and create blocks out of tape for a lot less money.
  18. I think blogger is user friendly, but it is the only one I have ever used.
  19. I have traveled to 39 states and have lived in the south, north, east, west, and southwest parts of the country (military family). My favorite cities to visit are: Washington DC, Williamsburg, New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, San Francisco, and San Diego. If it is possible, I would try to visit one or more of our national parks.
  20. http://www.heathrowairport.com/transport-and-directions/getting-into-london They need to seriously consider how much time they will have and/or the cost to get to London and back. I think getting off the plane, to the tube station, traveling to London and back might take a little less than 3 hours (two of those just on the tube - the rest foot travel to the tube), plus they need to check in for their next flight.
  21. We were just saying this week that we needed to have a FireFly marathon soon. Love the quotes1
  22. If your current car is paid for, all you pay for is gas and repairs. I would drive it until it dies because you won't get anything on a trade in and you don't know if your new-to-you car won't have more troubles.
  23. We have school today - only 31 days left. I did laugh out loud today when my son requested that we take the day off for his birthday (in a few weeks).
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