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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. ok, I'm kind of REALLY proud of this There. I fixed your title for you. :001_smile: Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS. What an amazing accomplishment!
  2. IMHO, I would give it a week. Once your blood sugar stabilizes, I think that your cravings should lessen. As for the bars, personally I avoid them. I find that they simply reignite the cravings. And from a fellow carb lover who can only lose weight on Atkins: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  3. Milovany-thank you for the heads up. DH loves to watch football, and we frequently find certain commercials "not family friendly" (read as "Viagra commercials" :ack2: ). So, we DVR football, store up time, and skip the commercials. But some Super Bowl commercials are not to be skipped (read "Budweiser Clydesdales save puppy!" :001_wub: ). Your heads up allowed us to know what to look for and skip preemptively. Yay, milovany! :hurray:
  4. When DD was small, we had this problem on a recurring basis. For DD, the cough was a sign that a sinus infection had developed-again. Your poor baby! I hope that he feels better soon.
  5. Well, had they described WTM as a homeschooling forum, everyone would KNOW that we're nuts. :glare:
  6. My DD has taken three Bravewriter classes and loved them. She is an enthusiastic writer, but seems to respond better to...outside criticism. We tried Mini-Reports first (I believe it's now middle school writing or something similar). DD was 11 and it was a perfect fit. For us, it was well worth the cost. It got done and she learned a lot. We're doing Cover Story now, but I have every intention of using Bravewriter classes in the future. HTH
  7. According to DD, there is another one in the offing that will cover limericks, but I've yet to receive an email to that effect. Limericks for the contest are apparently due on December 3rd. I assume that the webinar will follow that. We were a bit hesitant, but DD loved it. It gave her a chance to see what other kids are doing (the subject for this webinar was "questions") and interact. (And make jokes for a new audience, her favorite thing!) I'll try to keep this post posted, so to speak.
  8. A quote from DD, age 12, after participating in a webinar with the author of the curriculum, his wife, and other students. :thumbup: :thumbup: Yay, Mr. and Mrs. S! (Just wanted to share. This has been absolutely the BEST curriculum purchase I've made. :001_wub: )
  9. Thank you for this. Now I know that I'm not the only one.
  10. How sad! We loved Zoboomafoo. When DD was smaller, she loved to make Zoboomafoo pizza-little round pizzas with his face made out of olives. It was her favorite treat. :sad:
  11. First, I totally understand what you are going through-I think I'm worse. I have one child and I'm not a teacher. I am compulsive and anal retentive. My inclination is prepare her for college by DOING IT NOW. Which I've had to accept is really, really stupid and really, really wrong. FWIW, I've gone with what's behind "Door #3." WRT literature, DD just reads. She reads broadly and extensively on her own, so I'm trying to just let her go. She *hates* forced discussion, claiming it steals the fun (That was an OUCH and a learning moment: "What does that tell you, Mama, about how you are doing as a teacher?"). So, I occasionally assign something and sometimes sneak in a few questions-that's it. For writing, we're doing Cover Story. All pirates, all the time. And that's it. Which is really hard for me. No history essays. Just projects chosen by DD(so they are all humorous, fun, creative-definately not structured. Well, we do some structured writing in Art of Argument and science, but it's mostly paragraphs. The high school essay is going to have to wait for high school. Sometime over the summer, I finally realized, "Hey, I have a really bright, rock solid, almost-seventh grader. Which is great. Yay, DD. Yay, me. She doesn't need to be a great ninth grader yet. And it's really rotten of me to expect it." Wow. Just re-read what I wrote and I don't know if any of this is of use to you, but BOY was it cathartic. Maybe I should have just stuck with :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . (Great thread, BTW. I shall now stick to reading the responses and the links. And thinking. :o )
  12. I am really struggling here. I tend to think that government intervention into individual's personal lives should be strictly limited, BUT there are a number of women, homeschooling crazies one and all, who are wasting precious instructional time DURING SCHOOL HOURS debating the value of thrift stores. And garage sales. Seriously. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? Any and all advice will be appreciated. Unless I disagree with you. Then, stop the hate. H/T to the bored Creekland.
  13. We woke up to the low 20's and a dusting of snow. It's supposed to be cold for the next few days-highs in the 20s and lows in the low teens to single digits. The short person is thrilled. Lanny: Yes, the typhoon has set this weather pattern in motion.
  14. Well, poop. I'm going to survive the initial blast, but will die a slow and horrible death from radiation poisoning. So, to heck with it. Port and Chocolate for dinner tonight!
  15. What would I do? Ask "Did you get the coyote?" when DH got back into bed.
  16. I have temporarily given up trying to work on academic writing skills for DD, 12. She's a very willing (and good) creative writer. And no matter what I do, she will turn EVERY assignment into something humorous. But you know what? She's not leaving for Harvard next week, so I'm letting her just have fun. We're using Cover Story this year and she's loving it. So if you're okay with something less academic, you may want to look into it. Also, she's taken Bravewriter courses and loved them. I have every intention of enrolling DD in the high school classes when she's a bit older.
  17. Exactly. Those of us who must suffer the depravations of low carb most of the year should never EVER be deprived of mashed potatoes and gravy at Thanksgiving. It's a Rule of the Universe. And if a Rule of the Universe is broken, the rule breaker should expect coal in his stocking come Christmas.
  18. My mother makes the most wonderful homemade cranberry sauce. And DH prefers the canned jello stuff. :confused1: Maybe you can come over and share a can with him while I snarf down the good stuff. With my mom's super-special sausage-laden stuffing! :laugh:
  19. Good for stepson and his wife for stopping, and good for you for taking the poor puppy in! Related rant: People who don't control their dogs. I have picked up the same boxer twice in the middle of the busy highway. The first time I had to stare down a semi (the dog was running up to every approaching vehicle, apparently trying to get them to stop.) The second time I think she recognized me. I pulled to the side, opened my door, and she jumped up on my lap. If it happens a third time, I may just lack motivation about seeing to it that she gets returned home. :glare:
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