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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I will go with you to the island and we can make bazooka plans.
  2. YES. I don’t know how I survived before google and YouTube.
  3. Bazooka, flamethrower, or napalm? (Rowing machines are booty-kickers.)
  4. Please eat cheese for both of us. The evil Food Sensitivity Test has revealed that I should avoid dairy.🤨
  5. Dear ITT, I miss you. But I am so very glad that you are still here when my current situation gets to be too much to handle alone. ❤️, JJM, the Psycho One
  6. ((Susan)) re. Chester: As my Buddy’s condition deteriorated, he got pickier and pickier. I found the he would always eat FreshPet grain-free ( refrigerated, in a tube.) Not cheap but more convenient than cooking his food myself. Also, the older I get, the more I respect our traditional views re. mourning periods. Grief sucks and I think we all need space to kinda wallow in it (Well, some of us do.) (Well, that would be me. I do.)
  7. I am so very sorry that you have to walk such a difficult road. My child has graduated and I don't come here often, but I think of you and pray for you. I lost my grandmother to ALS, the bulbar form. ALS is awful; you are handling it with amazing grace and strength. ((Kelly))
  8. What she said. Also, I think your standard shouldn’t be what you want to achieve or what you believe you ought to achieve. I think you should realistically consider what public schools are handling out diplomas for (little more than breathing to be brutally honest- and that is not hyperbole. Check out the curriculum at at “alternative” schools.) and then ask yourself if it fair to your student to deny them a diploma for doing the same or more. Also, I am a raging hypocrite and my kid quickly learned that college was waaaaay easier than homeschool so you probably should ignore me and listen to Renai. Also, I am perpetually cranky. So there’s that, too.
  9. I think I would reevaluate who was going to do my lube job.
  10. Oh, gosh. We did all along, in different ways. I will try to remember to remember. If I forget, remind me.
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