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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Good night, Your Majesty. Good night, John Boy. (I love this place.)
  2. To cause me to do a scary loud snort and make my DH laugh uproariously. Duh.
  3. Just popping in to make sure that there is still a sovereign on the throne... Whew. I can go make dinner now.
  4. In addition to what gardenmom5 said, the voice recorder was apparently sensitive enough to record the co-pilot's breathing pattern. The breathing pattern was apparently inconsistent with an individual having a medical crisis.
  5. Wow, what a trooper you are, taking one for the team and all! I'm thinking you need a title. "Team member extraordinaire" just doesn't seem sufficient. Will ponder...
  6. You rock, OP! I have Conceptual Integrated Science, which is absolutely fabulous but was an epic fail because of implementation problems (i.e., Mom's an idiot.) Implementation problems now solved. Yay!
  7. Some reports are saying that terrorism has been ruled out. The White House spokesman said it is not likely, but still possible ("a window is still open.")
  8. Aaaaaaand then there's this. (The age is apparently middle-school, i.e., 12-ish. Can't link to the source; it was crashed by traffic[Drudge link].)
  9. Oh, sure. Try to kill the thread, why don't you??? :rolleyes: (Renaiiiiiii! We need a hair-flip emoticon!)
  10. Reason number 9,472,851 I'm glad we left California. :grouphug: OP.
  11. DD had an IKEA bed from the time she was about 5 to just recently (entire bedroom set, in fact.) I would highly recommend it.The bed was recently replaced only because we got a loft bed for her (small room, needed to maximize space.) We chose to buy her mattress from Costco, however. I remember not being impressed with the ones at IKEA.
  12. I agree with all of the above, but I wanted to highlight the importance of formal education. In order to advance in any good-sized department, one must have at least a bachelor's degree. To make it to upper management, a master's degree is increasingly common.
  13. Riiiiiiiiight. "Moral conviction." Uh-huh. (Actually, I had something similar happen. I was shopping at Costco and saw a magnificent, sweaty hunk of manhood gentleman in a utility kilt [complete with tools]. He was leaning against a pole and talking on his phone. I actually had my cell phone in my hand and was looking for the camera button when I thought 'Holy Smokes. I'm not actually thinking about photographing a total stranger, am I?' I walked away, choosing to be content with merely witnessing some of God's glorious Creation. :) )
  14. Only the pro-vaxxers. The anti-vaxxers would die. And that would not be fun.
  15. Oh, WOW, texasmama! Do you have close but previously unknown relatives in Nigeria, too??? We have SO much in common!
  16. I must beg to differ, Your Highness. "Yes, you're very smart. Now shut up."* Seriously. This needs to stop. Seriously. *Note: This is a Princess Bride quote and is meant to be humorous.
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