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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. And such a steep price it was. And such a steep price it was. But I repeat myself.
  2. Oooo, oooo, oooo! Rhymes! "NO MORE RHYMING. I mean it."
  3. You know what? If she's truly a GRAND Poohbah, she's lurking on this thread and knows the whole story. So you're totally cool. But we knew that already.
  4. Here's a :grouphug: for you and another :grouphug: for your son. Poor kid! At 14 even a little mistake can be devastating.
  5. I have something wide spread. So my nickname would rightfully start with "FA" as opposed to "BA." :glare:
  6. Absolutely. And you have earned a foofy drink with an umbrella. (DD went through a Warriors phase. :ack2: )
  7. Sorry, Slash. I'm more of an "experimenter" vs. a "follower of recipes." I'll have to try to remember some favorites when I'm not riding herd on the short person. Cool thread, though! :drool5:
  8. Ah, you can be "Slayer" to Slache's "Slash." (Now it feels so junior high around here: "Everyone else has a cool nickname. Why don't I have a cool nickname? I'm never leaving my room again. Ever." [see, Slash? You weren't the only cool-challenged youth!].)
  9. Ditto here. And then we feed the deer and the gophers all summer. I'm not sure why. Habit?
  10. Don't worry, Grasshopper. Many find Truth to be frightening.
  11. It's been snowing here since the wee hours. Two weeks ago we went on a bike ride during 70 degree weather. Ahh, the joys of Spring.
  12. Good morning, all! Note: Today is not Spring Break. So the child who got up at 7 a.m. every day last week is SOUND asleep. :glare:
  13. No one attempts to justify rioting over sports.
  14. Word. I didn't start drinking until DD was about two. And I haven't stopped.
  15. He is risen indeed!
  16. A side note to the above: Generalizations about particular animals, breeds (or anything really) never can be applied to individuals. For example, horses (and I love them) are not creatures that God gifted with extreme intelligence. They are prey animals and, when they encounter anything out of the ordinary, the RUNAWAYFAST. Unless they don't. An example: (Go get a hanky. I'll wait.)
  17. Yes, I know these words are now "no-nos," but there is still order in a pack (Or a herd-I find watching my horses interacting to be fascinating.) The "Alpha" line was a reference to the movie Up, another "One of the Best Movies On the Whole Dang Planet." (I think this does a fairly good job of critiquing the controversy alluded to above, ICYI.)
  18. I think they're Quakers; you know, "we're all Friends here."
  19. This makes me laugh. DH is SOOOO happy that his former agency now pays him to NOT go to work. He's so old that he remembers when le was fun; he tells young guys to run away. We have a GSD not because he ever had one at work, but because I was fascinated by the K-9s. I had total crushes and did multiple ride-alongs with K-9 officers (oh, the crushes were on the dogs). A well-trained schutzhund is an awesome, awesome creature. Well, and so is the less-well-trained variety. Like mine. ;)
  20. texasmama: I've used the poop method successfully once before, but that was with a GSD ("Ooooooh, Alpha does not wish for me to put my paws in the earth. I am ever-so-sorry, Alpha. Please forgive me.") The current one also likes to dig, but only out and about in the property, not in the backyard, so I'm okey-dokey with it. I don't know how your Pyr might react. They are of totally different minds. (but still way cool.)
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