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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: All I can say is consider the source, honey.
  2. Demonizing the opposition. It's the modern way to end debate.
  3. I dunno. DD has a friend whose father is a doctor. They are still paying off his debt. He wound up going into the military reserves while he was still under the age cutoff because they needed the health insurance-they couldn't afford it out of pocket.
  4. Good for her for being willing to stand up for her values. Good job, Mom! (FWIW, I'm firmly in the "What the heck? Lifeguards are safety personnel, not eye candy" camp.)
  5. For your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me9yrREXOj4
  6. Another random non sequitur alert: Before DH retired, he was a patrol sergeant and generally worked swings (like 3 pm to 1 am), his favorite. It tended to be a busy shift and a lot stuff made the news. DD's take on it? "Look, Mama! There's Daddy's butt again!" (The news crews filmed from, err, behind the crime scene.)
  7. No. Our silence is just punishment for the lack of Boo-yah. We like Boo-yah.
  8. DD 12 read and loved I, Robot-content was fine. She is in the middle of Foundation-again, no issues with content here. She has also read and enjoyed a couple of books Asimov wrote on numbers.
  9. Good point. Of the livestock guardian dogs, though, Pyrs tend to be non-aggressive toward humans. Some other LGD breeds I wouldn't even consider owning because of aggression. All the LGDs were traditionally bred to do just want you DA's dogs do: live in the flock exclusively. Very cool critters. (Can you tell that I like animals?)
  10. It is okay, grasshopper. I have already declared Slash to be sufficient. (So there! :001_tt2: )
  11. GOOD for you-germ theory in action. SCIENCE, baby!
  12. And, sadly, I'm not techy enough to explain. In fact, it's darn near miraculous that I stumbled across it figured it out myself. :o Here's a try: Our phones (well, all modern cell phones) have GPS location stuff in them. The life 360 service tracks the phones of people in your "family circle." There's a web site, too, I've found, and I am able to see where DH is on his trip to California. I just have to hit "update" occasionally and it shows me where he is on a map.
  13. Non sequitur alert. I just discovered a new cool toy. DH put Life 360 on our phones and it lives online, too! I just figured out how to stalk him on his trek across the Nevada desert, complete with satellite imagery (well,not real time imagery, but still.) This is awesome.
  14. Where's my little friend... Oh, there he is. All better now.
  15. Edited to delete my whining. This is more appropriate: :grouphug:
  16. :grouphug: I've been through hurricanes and earthquakes, but tornadoes terrify me. I'm so glad that you only had some property damage. You deserve a frou-frou coffee this morning, or something. And the Hamster Dance was for you; somehow I just knew that you needed it. I'm psychotic that way.
  17. No worries, Mama! You can do it with her, at home. Yay, you.
  18. The building has a burglar alarm/fire alarm system, and there is a system for checking children in and out of Sunday School. There is no security system in place for services, but we live in an area where a large percentage of the men (and likely many of the women, as well) are likely carrying concealed. Edited to add: Largish (for the area) Protestant church.
  19. Boatloads of sympathy, coming your way! I had the stomach flu in March and was out for 3 days. I hate the stomach flu and hate throwing up. Poor, poor, poor you. Poor, poor, pitiful you! (With a little Linda Ronstadt reference to cheer you up! ) Germs, BE GONE!
  20. Would you like for us all to don our ninja costumes and come stuff ballot boxes for you? We could then have a slumber party at your house. I could be packed in half an hour...
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