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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Okay. Now I'm exhausted. All this hugging and praying has worn me out! (Just kidding. :001_tt2: )
  2. Now that's a great plan, if ever I heard one! :grouphug:
  3. That was beautiful, Ellie! Thank you for sharing that!
  4. :grouphug: Identity theft can be a long-term hassle; I'm really sorry it happened to you. :(
  5. Okay, that's kinda creepy. Not bad creepy, more like cool creepy. But still creepy. (Sometimes I think I spend way too much time with a twelve year old.)
  6. Prayers for you and the baby. Hang in there, little guy!
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: A few extra in case anyone needs one.
  8. Oh, no! That's terrifying. When we looked for place to go post-California, being prone to tornadoes was a deal-breaker. I'm sorry that your friends' barn was destroyed, but I'm so glad it wasn't a house. Do you have a basement, texasmama? And does everyone fit??
  9. Deer are good jumpers, so you need a high barrier. HOWEVER, you don't need to run the fencing that high. We have standard four foot field fencing around the garden, but every other t-post is 8 feet tall. Near the top of the t-posts, we have one strand of wire (not hot.) The deer don't jump it (The theory is that they won't jump if they aren't certain about the clear; that's why the dual fences or fencing angled outward tend to work.) Now, moose, that's different. I'm convinced they'll walk through a concrete barrier if they feel like it. :glare:
  10. Okay, Renai, disregard my "gardening envy." Please substitute with "snowman envy."
  11. BlsdMama: GSD owner/lover here. I agree with the sign and box suggestions. I also encourage the purchase of an electronic collar (Here, we refer to it as the "Cats Are Not Snacks Collar.") It is a very valuable tool. I would do so out of fear for my furry friend being harmed while trying to catch a car. :( (And for all of you who will be terribly concerned about my vicious dog taking out his thwarted cat "aggression" on humans, the only time he's actually caught cats [twice], he did not harm them. They were slobbered on and REALLY cranky, but not harmed. Much like the gopher he caught in the backyard; the poor GSD was outraged when the gopher bit him. Then the little ghetto dog we rescued went over, killed the gopher, and tried to eat it. Hmm, maybe he's dangerous?)
  12. FYI, Texas is late to the party. Truancy is a big money in California and has been for years. (I'm not a big fan, but in defense of the policy, jailing students/parents is the last resort at the end of a loooooooong road. For the student population "served," oftentimes the only consistent education received is while in custody. The motivation, however, is bucks for butts in seats.)
  13. They are so beautiful. Maybe in my next life, I can be beautiful and fluid like that.
  14. Stay.Away. She make look human, but she's actually an alien. No. No more power to her. Powerful aliens are dangerous creatures, indeed. Now, this? This is real. :thumbup1:
  15. Very nice. What a lovely image to have in my head before sleeping; thank you, Ellie!
  16. Praying for you and baby Caden. :grouphug:
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