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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I rode my fat little Fjord today for about an hour. She's almost as wide as she is tall. I have pain for you.
  2. Only if I can have wine and chocolate afterwards. I'll be the fat chick in the back.
  3. Please don't compare my smoochies to those of a dog. I have feeling, you know. Yes. I am.
  4. And smushie kisses from me too, Renai. But I'm really Ellie's favorite.
  5. Good Gravy. I'm having 80s flashbacks. I really need more sleep at night.
  6. And this, too. Since WE can tell how much you care, I'll bet your DD can, too. That's some serious awesomeness.
  7. Dude. I am well into my 40s and I find myself wanting to let others make hard decisions. Because it's hard. It's also possible that she simply trusts your judgment more than her own in this case. Which sounds like a pretty mature approach, if that's what it is.
  8. EVERYONE! Watch.Out. That woman is back. You know the one...the one who opens her door to strange men at midnight to take delivery of benzodiazepines. :ph34r:
  9. Oh, come on, Slash. You know you want to shout it. No one "booya"s like the Original Booya Babeâ„¢.
  10. How do you know this? Oh, the mysteries of the Forum that have yet to be revealed...
  11. I obeyed. The horses are fed and happy and many weeds have been slain. I have failed at my goal of accomplishing nothing all week. Sadness.
  12. Amazing ability alert: It is shocking how incredibly adept I am at turning an opportunity to accomplish many tasks into a "fart around on the internet" experience. Truly, I amaze myself. If I continue to farm the short person out to Nana, I may get nothing done all week.
  13. Oooooooo...Doughnuts...Me LIKE doughnuts. (Sadly, me blood sugar no like doughnuts. Have a few extra for me, will you? It would be the kind thing to do. And selfless. Really, really selfless. ;) )
  14. More skills alert: One must enable "display friends" to have friends on one's profile page. (And I figured it out all by myself.)
  15. Oh, serious note. I have noticed the absence of texasmama. Extra, double-strength prayers for her, for Nan, and for the family.
  16. That's cool. The company for which I write and edit (also an independent k'or) was sold at the first of the year. I fear reorganization and redundancy. :sad:
  17. I think Lynn got it right upthread: We are "unschooling." With panache. P.S. I thought munchkins were short people. Why are you eating short people? And feeding them to your own?
  18. Yay! New skill! I didn't have to add you, though. I guess since you added me, I automatically added you. Ha! Forced mutual friendships; I love it! Now I have to go through the thread and add everyone. *Evil Laughter* Your reputations will NEVER recover!
  19. Thank you, Friend Renai! Does that make us Quaker Buddies? (Of course, now I'm going to have to figure out the whole "add friends" thing... :o )
  20. Put me firmly in the "no big deal" camp. My DD is 12, so just a bit older than your boys. She does well with most math, but HATED the elementary geometry material (we did MM through 6th, the earlier progression.) Honestly, it's seems more like just stuff to memorize at that level, and I don't think she ever really connected with the material. She's doing AoPS Intro to Algebra this year, though, and did her first proof. When I told her that "real geometry" would be more like that, she lit up and said, "Oh, I think I'll like geometry then!" HTH
  21. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: This is how I started my morning; Thanks, ladies! Boy, did I miss some fun last night. In case anyone is interested, I have moved to the point in life where insomnia is part of the package. You know, when the old people start every conversation with, "So, how did you sleep last night?" It's sad, really. I, likewise, have no friends. Let's face it, being a stick figure with a large posterior is rather, ..., unusual. And a bit isolating. But I find strength in my isolation. (Insert wise lama-ish icon here-RENAI!!!) I am the headmistress at Rivendell Academy. Guess who named it? (That would be the short person who has read LotR about elventy billion times. Not "the books," because "It's ONE BOOK, in [insert number that I always forget] parts! I can't believe that people say that there's three books. Jeez!" Me: turn away and :001_rolleyes: ) Nana is here from out of state, so school is minimal and is mostly done (or not) at Nana's house. I am still living in squalor. House cleaning is not fun. And I do not like it. I would much prefer to clean the barn. When the short person grows up and leaves me, I am moving outside with my ponies. Finally, I am deeply ashamed that I was unaware of Slash's thread.
  22. I don't know much about competitive sports, but I've seen some of the modern cheerleading routines, which seem highly involved. Will the lack of members and consistent training raise safety concerns? Like I said, we're "sports are fun" folks here (none of us is what you might call "athletically inclined"), so I would not move my child so long as it was safe and she was having fun, but my experience is seriously limited, here. So, just a thought.
  23. Thank you for the update. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
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