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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :huh: This was a "thing?" What the heck is wrong with people?
  2. Just kidding. For dental agony you get eternal sympathy and :grouphug: . Poor Slash. :sad:
  3. Suck it up, buttercup. The sympathy was so yesterday.
  4. I missed my booya. I am very out of practice. How embarrassing. :o
  5. You know, you are a really smart duck. Have I mentioned that before?
  6. This, this is why you are the Icon Queen. I :001_wub: you, Renai!
  7. Sigh. I asked her to, Quackers. It seemed to me that you needed the boost. You're welcome. Post-confession edit: Booya!
  8. Okay. I am desperately trying to catch up, but OH, the magnificence!
  9. Good morning, all. Since you people insist on talking (and talking and talking)behind my back, I think I need to consider upgrading my phone.
  10. Oh, my goodness. On vacation and popped into the thread. Slash, I am so, so sorry. I'm on my phone; just know I'm sending hugs and I'm praying for peace and healing for you.
  11. Oh. My. Gosh. LADIES!!!! Didjahear what TEX is doing with KITTENS??? O. M. G. Things are WILD down in Texas. (But don't tell anyone, 'k?)
  12. Umm, no. I am The Hottest F** A** Stick Person on the Planet. Because I say so. So there. :001_tt2:
  13. Good morning, everyone. We're heading off to the state capital (and capitol) for a four-day excursion. :party:
  14. Ummm...I'm thinking that this quality should not count for anything. It's merely a symptom of parenthood. Although, I suppose if we want to get all technical and give it a label, we could call it a coping strategy. ;)
  15. Oh. My. Gosh. LADIES!!!! Didjahear??? TEX has been SEXTING. O. M. G. (But don't tell anyone, 'k?)
  16. Thank you. Happy Mother's Day to you, too!
  17. Sho 'nuff, baby girl. (More like sharecroppers than plantation owners, though. But I love me some home-smoked bacon. Mmm, mmm, mmm. And greens. And chicken n'dumplins. And gravy. And grits. Hmm, it's almost like there's a theme going on here.)
  18. Honey, they's times when I am deeply grateful my Daddy come up in Enigma, Jo-gia. ; )
  19. :ohmy: Ummm...looking on the bright side (Time Out: Searching for bright side...)... ummm.... Well... errr... it wasn't a tornado?
  20. Sorry, Tex, but those are NOT minions. I've seen minions; they're cute, fat, little yellow dudes. Your little (and not-so-little) dudes are cute, too! Just not yellow. :001_tt2:
  21. Oh, my gosh! That is both awful and fabulous! :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  22. I'm thinking SOMEONE in your house had best be committed to ensuring you have the best Mother's Day EVER tomorrow. What an awesome mom you are, Renai.
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