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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I want to go to church in Hawaii tomorrow. I wonder if anyone at my church would notice if I stood in the back and tried to hula?
  2. Behold! The magnificence that is....ME: (To tell the truth, though, the camera angle is a bit misleading. My bum is actually much larger.)
  3. Avert your eyes, Slash. You can't handle this much beauty. And power.
  4. :party: Congratulations, to both of you!
  5. And here I was thinking that maybe there was an adoption on the horizon. But maybe that should be Quackers. Working all day on a beautiful Saturday is not conducive to clear thinking.
  6. How does he throw the ball with a wing?!? I'd give good money to see that, I'll tell you.
  7. Crud. I chased everyone away. Which leaves me with work. Bleh. :nopity:
  8. Hey, I think I know you. Isn't your name Ma Ingalls?
  9. Duh. Totally knew that. Learned it, like, a million pages ago. :001_rolleyes:
  10. Cool. You can tell everyone you know that you have your very own stalker. All the cool kids have one, ya know.
  11. Aren't you glad I'm here, you know, working. :001_rolleyes:
  12. What "eves?" Kinda like the eaves of rooves only different? Or "Eves," as in original womanhood? Whatevs.
  13. Maybe not so much "bad" as "seriously warped." Which, in the "According to ME" files, is a good thing. :thumbup1:
  14. NO ONE gets a whole page to herself, chicky. Not when this sheriff is in town.
  15. I like hot dogs. And you. You are awesome. But I don't like you in the same way as I like hot dogs. That would be cannibalism and that is bad.
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