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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Sorry. On my phone and my quote wound up in the middle. =-O
  2. Not do-do heads who REPEATEDLY miss their booyas rookie.
  3. :sad: They're nasty. Our first winter here our GSD was still unaltered. The coyotes were sending a bitch in heat up close to the house to try to lure him out. I could see the signs in the snow.
  4. Jean, we go on hikes and explore in areas with grizzly warnings, but we've never seen one. (Yay!) Usually, in the spring I'll see bear scat in the forested area of our property, but it's just little black bears. And I've never seen one "in the fur," so to speak. We do have boatloads of coyotes (and a couple of ARs to handle them). The biggest dangers to the cats aren't the coyotes, though, but the raptors (hawks and eagles of multiple varieties.) Oh, and an enormous owl lives(d?) on the property adjacent to ours. I only saw him once, but he was MAGNIFICENT. I think he/she may have been responsible for the disappearance of one of the barn cats. Kinda sad, but, to paraphrase Finding Nemo, fish gotta swims, owls gotta eat.
  5. Nope, not really. We have four seasons, though, and snow in the winter. It's not brutal cold like the Dakotas, or anything. If you start getting tired of one season, be patient. It'll change soon.
  6. :( Oh, that's awful. :grouphug:
  7. This was taken at my last pedicure, Tex. What do you think?
  8. Ditto here. The rattlers are several hours away. And the grizzly bears and the wolves stay in the higher elevations. Mostly.
  9. Nope. The only snakes we have are happy little grass snakes.
  10. There are no poisonous snakes where I live. None. Nada. Rien. Thus, paradise. (I grew up partly in Florida. Lots of snakes. Poisonous snakes. Poisonous, AGGRESSIVE snakes. :scared: Which is why we don't live in the South.)
  11. No. Texas is really very awesome. But poisonous snakes. And humidity. And tornadoes. :crying:
  12. Paradise. Where I live. All cool people should live here.
  13. Shingles are so important. Choose wisely, my friend.
  14. :iagree: DD is currently taking the online class for which there is one writing problem assigned per week. It has been a very valuable component of the class.
  15. *shudder* (mustering the strength to approach) :grouphug: :leaving:
  16. :iagree: We all got the freshman lecture, "Welcome to university. No one cares whether you go to class or not, except perhaps your parents who are paying for it." :grouphug: OP. And I don't think that hating to see your child hurting makes you a "helicopter" mama; just a good one.
  17. Belated Booya! (I can't believe I AGAIN missed my rare opportunity to Booya. What a loser. :wacko: )
  18. Confession, Quackers. I lied. I'm a total control freak. I totally get it. More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . I have ONE. And God made her my COMPLETE opposite. Oh, the growth opportunities. Even more :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .
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