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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Shoot. You had me going until that last bit. :smash: Seriously, those are GREAT ideas. Now could someone come to my house and implement some of them???
  2. AMJ, you so totally rock the English language. ( Referring to the glue thing. Stupid phone. )
  3. Continuing to pray and to hope. But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me. Ps. 22:19
  4. I will second the Math Mammoth recommendation. Also, perhaps you might want to take a look at Lial's Basic College Math and/or Pre-Algebra. We used the Pre-Algebra text as a bridge between the old MM6 and algebra and found it to be straight-forward and complete. It may be a good option as a "catch-up" type math. (FWIW, my DD also needs a mastery approach. Saxon is a great program for many kids but NOT mine.)
  5. Is your daughter at all competitive? Exodus books sponsors a summer reading program in which students must read from a designated list-all classics and quality material. There are prizes for reading a minimum number of pages and for reading the most numbers of pages. For us, it exposed DD to more than Dragons, Dwarves, and Pirates ( :001_rolleyes: ), and she discovered that there have been a few interesting reads produced in the past 1000 years or so that include none of those critters ( :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: .) (Exodus is a Christian business, though, so that might not work for you. Also, there is a $5 fee to participate-helps fund the prizes, I think.) ETA: Another great thread, BTW!
  6. :ohmy: pretty much says it all. With the update, I think that I might try to speak with C directly. What she is doing is potentially endangering her and may follow her negatively for a very long time. Clearly she is getting no rational direction from home, so I would probably at least give it a go. What an uncomfortable situation to be in, Halcyon. :grouphug:
  7. Keep it up, Slash, and I'll tell Queen Ellie that you're using the "S" word again. You're gonna be in truuuu-bullll. But she'll probably forgive you. Cuz you're a blond, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cuz you're a blond, yeah, yeah, yeah.... (Sailing away, evil laughter trailing in her wake... :auto: )
  8. Silly, Slash! I did that part for you. Cuz you're a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah...
  9. I'm sorry that things have been so awful. Why does trouble have to come in spurts? :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  10. Umm, I think we discussed cannibalism upthread and I declared it to be bad. :toetap05: Do we need to work on our note-taking skills?
  11. The downside of only being virtual friends. If we all knew each other in real life, you, Tex, and Openhearted would be drowning in casseroles and your children would be having daily "play dates," rotating between "Auntie So-and-So" and "Auntie Thus-and-Such."
  12. Whew! Glad your feelings weren't hurt. But maybe his handwriting sentences could include, "This is not really my favorite, but thank you for making it for me." "I am indeed a fortunate child to have you as my devoted and patient parent" would be another option. ;)
  13. Assuming an okay relationship with your dad, I would probably mention it in the way that you suggest and for the same reason. They (and possibly she) may not be familiar with how public a forum she's posting in. And it is highly doubtful that a 13-year-old has considered/is able to consider the potential problems that could come of posting in such a public way. And if they don't know about the conduct at all, well, I'd want to know. The key for me is that you are family. I would not say anything if I were not family. HTH.
  14. My likely response: "Congratulations, honey. You've now been promoted to Chef de Maison." Then I'd go cry. :grouphug:
  15. Don't be sad, Slash. I'm sorry; I was just teasing. The Booya Babeâ„¢ cannot be empty of witty repartee, can she be? If so, her dentist needs to be slapped. And Slashaboo should get an unlimited supply of chocolate. :grouphug:
  16. Bump. (I must have missed it the first time, but I'd sure love to see it!)
  17. No, not really. She's frequently like this. There. I fixed it. Your darn phone.
  18. Well, now we know the value of living under a rock. Yay, us. I'm still :001_huh: .
  19. Ativan has been my friend twice in my life. The first time was after the death of my father (unexpected and traumatic.) We were very close and I was devastated. My body decided to deal with the stress with uncontrollable vomiting. The lack of food retention was not such a big deal, but the inability to hold down water was...problematic. Ativan kept me out of the hospital and off IVs. Yay, Ativan. The second time was prior to knee surgery. My interesting childbirth experience left me with a certain dread of medical interventions. As the surgery approached I began having panic attacks. I tried toughing it out and even went to speak a pastor turned counselor. He said, "What are you thinking? This is what medication is for." Yay, Ativan times 2. I was able to tolerate it and mostly function (but no driving), and I am notorious for reacting to meds in the "unlikely, but possible camp. Oh, the wonders of modern pharmaceuticals.
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