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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Barking is how they warn off predators. It's a hallmark of almost all guardian breeds.
  2. Stop it. You are making me make my family think I'm weird. They just don't understand random snorts and guffaws.
  3. YAY! I nominate Renai to be the official curriculum planner of the Ignore-amus-es. My DD is starting eight grade in the fall, so you have a few months to get it together. Go!
  4. Sure, Renai. You made a mistake. Right. But it IS nice of you to fake the occasional mistake to make the rest of us feel better about ourselves. :)
  5. Tell that man to BACK.OFF. That's my soul sister he's talking about and there's rumor going around that I'm a bit of a gun nut.
  6. ACK. I want you to know this caused me considerable trauma and panic. But I checked and I did not forget to add you. Whew!
  7. Oh, cool! It's Saturday night; we can all hit the wine and start crying and tell everyone how much we love each other. Just like college. :party: No, wait. I was a dork in college, too, and I skipped all that stuff. :blush5: Yay! New life experience! :wacko:
  8. I'll bet you were you doing something ridiculous and boring, like, I don't know, educating your children. Some people. :001_rolleyes:
  9. Must be in the air. We just got home from a wine tasting and there was a man in attendance in full Scottish regalia. He played the bagpipes and everything. (He was another guest, not a paid performer.)
  10. Life has annoying way of disrupting all our well-made plans, doesn't it? :grouphug: Or would you prefer
  11. Could she have done it? Yes. Could she have done it well? No. What exactly is this exercise to accomplish? How in the heck is this considered to be an appropriate expectation for 11 year olds?!? Yikes.
  12. Question for Quackers: Do you live in Montana? Here's why I ask.
  13. Hint: One can rack an empty shotgun and make the same sound as a loaded one makes. That sound will carry through a closed door. And it's safer to have around short people. ;)
  14. :grouphug: I really am sorry. I know that now is a really bad time for you to be losing sleep. :grouphug:
  15. Or maybe some display signs of serious mental illness and the more compassionate response would be to simply not engage?
  16. You made me cry! :party:
  17. Oh, and Quackers? You are spending far too much time with feathers. FUR is where it's at, baby! But this one's for you:
  18. Umm, texasmama? You have a Great Pyrenees, right? Umm, Pyrs bark. A lot. But you are mistaken about the whole "no reason" thing. You see, apparently your homestead was targeted by marauding Huns in the wee hours. Your noble canine's exquisite sense of hearing detected the gathering hordes, and her thundering sounds of warning frightened them off. Or maybe it was a neighbor's cat. But you know how dangerous cats are, right? In either case, you and your family survived the night, now didn't you? All because of the brave dog who stayed awake all night defending you and yours. So leave her alone to sleep on the couch all day, okay?
  19. About as kinky as riding a water barrel. Which is to say not at all. But she's really cute.
  20. I'm still like-ing. Neener, neener, neeeeee-ner. :001_tt2:
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