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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I'm not a control freak. At all. So I totally cannot really relate. But I can imagine that this is hard. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. I know, right? I figured that I'd post to give the rest of you a little perspective.
  3. JoJosMom


    Bathing suit shopping: :ack2: :grouphug:
  4. You know, when Nana leaves next week, I'm going to have to actually go back on a schedule and, you know, educate my child. How's that for tragic personal circumstances?
  5. You've obviously been hanging out with sub-par zombies. Bless your heart.
  6. :scared: I cannot begin to imagine Listerine post-dental surgery. :scared: :scared:
  7. Poor Bear. Poor hornblower. :grouphug: It's hard managing is-it- end-of-life issues for our fuzzy friends. :sad:
  8. How do you know we're not? And what's your problem with zombies, anyway???
  9. :grouphug: for you, mama. :party: :party: for the healthy baby!
  10. Listen to the Unicorn; she knows whereof she speaks!
  11. I keep asking DH to wrap the roof in tin foil. He keeps saying no.
  12. JoJosMom


    :lol: That would have been a bonus in DD's book, as well!
  13. :iagree: As far as criminal gangs go, the biker gangs seem to have done a pretty good job "branding" themselves and flying under the radar of normal folks (which is not altogether a bad thing.) Their money making enterprises don't involve normal people, and they do tend to blend with motorcyclists (whole 'nuther animal) at charity events. But, yeah, biker gangs are scary. I'm so glad that we moved to an area with lots of motorcyclists and zero active gangs.
  14. Continuing to pray and to hope. :grouphug: My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. Ps. 119:50
  15. All I need for insomnia is a glass of red wine and too many snickerdoodles before bed.
  16. Wow. That's some good dope you got there,Slash. Reason number nine gazillion and forty-seven to avoid dentists like the plague.
  17. I think Cabernet Sauvignon and percocet would make a STELLAR pairing.
  18. So. I think I mentioned that Nana is here. We were at her house tonight. As we are every night when she is here. So. Our familial enjoyment of Joan Hixson as Miss Marple was interrupted by the door bell. DD-12-(3 months from 13!) answered, because there was a group of kids on the porch. The group, which turned out to be a small group of boys, engaged her in a short conversation and then announced that C___ "likes" DD. Which was interrupted by C___ hastily announcing that "It's a prank! It's a prank!" DD turned the conversation into a short joke and then returned to the family fold. She then explained who each boy is and explained that "What can I say-boys. Defective Y chromosomes." But I could tell that she was also thrilled with the attention. :001_unsure: I am so not ready for this. :( Please return to your page 100 hilarity. I need alcohol.
  19. JoJosMom


    On my phone; sorry about the multiple posts. Will fix later. Fixed.
  20. JoJosMom


    My DD is 12 and in 7th grade. She's done AWANA since 3rd grade. It is a fantastic program; the curriculum is wonderful and the games are a blast. We choose AWANA at a different church over our church's youth group because of the quality of the program. I highly recommend it.
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