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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Text, I mailed your chocolate a few days ago. Didn't you get it? Stupid floods.
  2. :iagree: We have been very impressed by the amount of individual support that is available. But, OH, the pace.
  3. Your child trained CATS??? That's amazing! :lol:
  4. Honestly, it's not a mommy war thing; more like grief and loss (and not just the breast feeding thing). And, believe me, I'm very grateful for her. God was very good to us. (But there's still a sad little part in my heart.)
  5. Okay. I'll drink your battery acid drinks for you. I'm a trooper that way. :001_smile:
  6. More envy. I really, really wanted to nurse my baby. DH and the nurses pumped for me the whole time I was in the hospital, but, at the end of the drugs and recovery, I just couldn't do it. :crying:
  7. No. Jean needs to go to Hawaii and consume fruity-tasting battery acid drinks with colorful little umbrellas in them. So does Tex. With the rest of us along for company.
  8. Oh, and, quick like a bunny, go back and edit it. Add: It is the thread that never ends It just goes on and on my friends. People - started posting not knowing what it was And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because... It is the thread that never ends... QUICK! Before Renai sees it!
  9. :scared: Is there an "unfriend" button on this thing?!?
  10. Hey! That's the little smiley that I most identify with! We're twins! So I must be lovable, too! (Because you most certainly are, Your Majesty!)
  11. One of the Best.Songs.Ever. In honor of the above discussion.
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