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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Hey, Slash. Did it look like one of the hats in the pictures further down the wiki page?
  2. Hmm, were they discussing Walla Walla? Is it a nice place to visit?
  3. The Muslim skullcap, or taqiyah, sometimes bears close similarity to a Jewish yarmulke. I added a Wikipedia link. Scroll down to see images of taqiyah that all similarly styled to yarmulkes.
  4. :iagree: We are already discussing payment strategies, i.e., "You better get to it, kid. With dual enrollment, you should be able to get your AA along with your HS diploma. Oh, and here. Look at this. This is what private university tuition is and this is our state university. And let's practice standardized tests. If you score over x, State U will give you $5K." She's 12. And this is a practiced conversation. Poor child.
  5. When DD was small, her first dentist was also an orthodontist. He looked at her mouth and her x-rays and said, "She's not going to need braces... Darn it." :smilielol5: This from a guy who commuted on the weekends to his beach house in his private plane. :nopity: (Lest you feel envy over my low-dental-cost kid, let me assure you she made up for it other ways. Between keeping me pregnant and getting us through childbirth and recovery, we went through our entire combined savings and then some. And we were both old, well-employed, and industrious little savers. The not needing braces thing was kinda like God tossing us a mini milk bone.)
  6. Seriously??? Now that's TWO of you peeps calling short, fat, and yellow. I'm LEAVING.
  7. I agree with you, OP, that the author does not make a good case for himself (putting it mildly.) There were others mentioned in his piece whose stories were more compelling, though. Personally, I think the whole student debt business is a dysfunctional mess. I wish I believed that we (global we) were doing something to fairly address the problem and not just protect the interests of well-connected stakeholders with high-dollar lobbyists on the payroll. Which I guess could probably be said about a myriad of issues. :glare:
  8. :huh: I think I need another cup of coffee. (Thanks for the link. :001_smile: )
  9. Are you calling me short, fat, and yellow? :toetap05: Well, to that I say, "BANANA."
  10. :scared: It never rains, but it pours. :grouphug: , Tex.
  11. Praying for you all this morning.
  12. Everyone keeps forgetting that Slash is the ORIGINAL Booya Babe. If Slash says there is no h, there is no h. #peepsmustdeal
  13. True that. Of course, figuring out how exactly to do that is a huge challenge, for some of us more than others. :wacko:
  14. If it's any comfort, Slash, DD is in 7th grade and we've never before been so gosh darn flexible. We're so flexible we make wet noodles look rigid. Nana was here in December and for most of May. School was math and something that resembled writing. That's pretty much it. (And, sadly for my little Boo, she is at an upswing when the BM kids are DONE. This week has been the last week for 2 online classes: AoPS Algebra A and Brave Writer, Literary Analysis of Twelfth Night. :scared: )
  15. Not necessary. They are from Hell and brought a little of it with them to earth. Go get 'em, Tex.
  16. Hmm, didn't someone famous once say "We only compute what we want to compute?"
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