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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :lol: Thanks, Your Majesty! P.S. Don't forget your water wings today.
  2. Yeah, we're awesome. Tread lightly now, though. We are now superheroes who morph into Ninja Elephants whenever Truth or Justice is in peril. Or if someone p*sses us off.
  3. :huh: I would beat my child senseless were she ever to do something so deliberately mean. And would probably never go out in public again, I would be so mortified. What the heck is wrong with people? How hard is it to teach and enforce, "Don't be mean?" Poor you and your poor child. Talk about undermining a small human's trust and confidence. Jeez.
  4. Okay. I guess that explains how you missed the hidden message for you hidden in one of my recent posts. *sniff* (I'm really sorry about the migraine. I, thank goodness, am not prone, but I reacted badly to a too-fast infusion of IVIG [part of my endless pregnancy story]. I couldn't move, couldn't tolerate sound or touch or anything; I've never experienced such pain [and this from the woman whose first miscarriage required a D&C which was done with no pain meds, no anasthesia, not even Tylenol. Kind of an ER oopsie.] My point [Oh, look. I actually have one.] I have been told that what I experienced was a migraine. Truly, you have my endless sympathy, Tex. Sending metaphoric chocolate and neck massages your way.)
  5. Continuing in prayer for you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isa. 41:10
  6. I think Renai seriously needs to come up with Ninja Elephant suits. Move over, Seal Team 5. Here come the ITT Ninja Elephants: Behold! And FEAR.
  7. Hey Tex and AMJ (if you aren't still ignoring us)! Are you gals doing okay? I'm concerned about the flooding situation again. I hope all is well.
  8. Okay. I'm caught up. Let me 'splain. No, there is no time. Let me sum up: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for everyone.
  9. Congratulations. You made a wise and difficult choice. Now choose to go to the store and buy cookies. And chocolate. Really. A quiet moment with a treat is well deserved. (Just don't tell the short people what you have. Do your bathroom doors lock?)
  10. :toetap05: Priorities, ladies. Priorities. (Jean gets a pass; she hands out candy.)
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Tex. Definitely call the hospice people. Repeatedly, throughout the year. As for the inlaws, I think we should have Renai make ninja elephant costumes and we should go put itching powder on their toilet paper.
  12. ACK!! What is happening? Is everyone suddenly following directions and ignoring this thread? :svengo:
  13. I don't know anyone famous and have never done anything remotely exciting.
  14. Okay. Read whole thread before replying; you've obviously already figured out the second career. :001_tt2: As for the jerks, what jerks. Unfortunately, grief makes some people angry. And it doesn't sound like those peeps had much to recommend them in the first place. Honestly, they're probably feeling inadequate in the face of your awesomeness, and passive-aggressive behavior is the only way they know to deal with it. Double-strength jerks. I don't suppose taking out your in-laws would be the best catalyst for the ITT confab?
  15. How lovely! Especially since it includes part of Nan's last home on earth. (And, on a more practical note, once you graduate all of your short people, you could seriously look into a career in flower artistry. That is one magnificent arrangement.)
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