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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. BTW, this one is particularly awesome, Your Majesty. :thumbup1:
  2. We can be co-ITT event planners. Clearly, we cannot leave this duty to Tex. #nomoretexasEVER
  3. Belated Yay, Ellie! (Out on the boat yesterday. It stays light until my bedtime now, so I was POOPED when we got home. I didn't even check you the Goodnight Hula. :scared: )
  4. It is really, really hot here. Principal Daddy has declared an end to the school day. We are heading out to the lake for the season's inaugural boat cruise. Yay, Principal Daddy!
  5. Aren't you supposed to be doing your lesson planning? #aintnobodygottimeforslackermoms
  6. I don't know about the Keens, but my Ahnus were my summer shoe for several years. I hiked and trail ran (haha! That sounds so tough; "slowly and agonizingly trail jogged" is more accurate.) in them. They also went in and out of the lake regularly. They're trashed now. I tried to go cheap and replace them with a Cabela's brand shoe. No dice. Now I'm in the market for a new pair. May take a loan out on the house. BTW, I have really high arches and the Ahnus were great. Your mileage may vary. :001_smile: (ETA: Despite being trashed, I still use them as my barn/morning walk shoe. I love them, but they're really trashed. And a bit stinky.) (Edited again: It's this shoe.)
  7. Where DID that child go? How does one educate a child that cannot be located??
  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! This is a truth that should NEVER be shared in this happy place. I think my head shall explode. (BTW, newb, I believe this issue was discussed, like 97 pages ago. You're welcome.)
  9. It's for real. And Mango has language instruction in Pirate. See? I am a wealth of valuable information. Go, me!
  10. Uh-oh, pirate class is ending. Back to educating child...
  11. See?? Again, a newb breaks the rules. Speechless. Oh, please. #ifyoudonthavesomethingtosayjustmakesomethingup
  12. What?? Why are you coming onto OUR thread and COMPLAINING?? Didn't you READ THE RULES?? #newbiesdontgetit (Raining Pineapples: Out of an abundance of caution, I will be explicit: The above is a joke. Which you would know had you read the entire thread.)
  13. Here you go. #stayingontopicisseriouslyoverrated
  14. #obviouslynotaswellreadasonethought
  15. Please. SECOND best thread ever. Duh. #exaggerationdiminishesawesomeness
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