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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :wacko: Renai made me cool, now Jean's made me hot. I've either suddenly become one of the popular kids rather late in life or I've started menopause.
  2. Oh, and hornblower? I'm glad your girl got to it and studied. #nomoreslackerboobsever
  3. Ellie is the Queen indeed. I decreed it many, many pages ago.
  4. YOU. ARE. NOT. THE. QUEEN. QUESTIONS? Please see member title.
  5. I agree, except I would say, "There is MUCH to said for life experience..."
  6. This is DDs new favorite song. It was pretty okay the first thousand times I heard it. At high volume.
  7. Not a crazy kid, a loving mommy. When DD was 5-6ish, we lived near a community college. One day she pointed it and said, "I'll go there someday." Neurotic me, "Oh, no, baby. You'll go to a university, which is much bigger..." Which, of course, led to, "Where's that, Mommy?" So, when we got to the "it's not here" part, the result was hysterical tears. Our solution: "No problem, baby. Mommy will go with you." She thought it sounded like fun and that was the plan until about a year ago. (She's almost 13 now, for reference.)
  8. This is a good point, but I don't know that an expensive college degree is the only, or even the best, way to achieve this. In fact, I think we're in the midst of shift in the way we are educated. Thanks to the internet, almost everyone (in the developed world) has access to exactly what you mention here-in many cases for free. In a lot of ways, I think it's healthy; the Academy has become a very closed-off society and it's conversations very one-sided. Removing the filter of the university between the information and the learner could turn out to be healthier for our society by allowing a greater diversity of opinion or thought.
  9. :iagree: And it's a serious problem. Polls suggest that many people who took advantage of the extremely long extended benefits did just that-took advantage. They deliberately passed up opportunities to work, because they believed the work offered to be unsatisfying. Which is a good reason to keep an eye open for a better job, but not a good reason to continue to live on the public's dime. An article I read recently also referred to changing attitudes among young people about work; earning enough to support oneself and one's family takes a backseat to finding meaningful work.
  10. Okay. I just read the other responses. My response is lame. Sorry I lame-ified your thread, Renai.
  11. I voted other. For completely idiotic reasons. But for you, Renai, that's okay. (Hey, it rhymes!)
  12. I voted other. I avoid both and aim for the middle. At my age, should I ever get down, I might not ever get up again.
  13. Oh, thank you for this! I always read those as *pound* statement. I thought I was the only one! Me :wub: wintermom!
  14. Praying for his specific needs and for strength and peace for you and your family.
  15. :huh: Maybe you'd be better off elsewhere, Slash. Heck, that makes the scorpions look good less bad.
  16. Uh, gonna disagree with you there, champ. Almost two decades as a prosecutor; evidence I saw says otherwise.
  17. Praying that silence is not bad news. God have mercy on eaglei, her son, and her family.
  18. I get it. I've been up since 4 a.m. and my brain is scattered, too. Which probably explains the screaming hilarity of my joke. :001_rolleyes:
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