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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. But since we're talking school, I was up waaay past my bedtime watching Ben Kingsley as The.Best.Feste.Ever. School 'til 9:30 at night;how Hardcore Homeschool is that?
  2. It's almost like there should be a forum for this stuff.
  3. You are so right. Oops. Imeant to quote your other post. Stoopid tablet.
  4. :scared: Premature e-Booya-lation???? What IS this thread coming to? :svengo:
  5. You don't look very sorry rolling around on the floor like that. :glare:
  6. A random bit of wisdom in case anyone is reading: The key to making beautiful, fluffy, perfectly raised loaves of whole grain bread to bake them whilst on a low carb diet. :glare:
  7. Those of you who are "distraught" over the "bigotry" might want to check out the man's website; he's about the farthest thing from a conservative Christian that one can imagine. One of the reasons his "Ultra Spiritual Life" videos are so funny is because he is firmly in the spiritual camp.
  8. Very much so. He has another one, "How to be Ultra Spiritual," that had us rolling. And the guy is "an emotional healing coach" whose website is "Inner Awakenings: Living a More Meaningful Life," so I think he was targeting certain elements, so to speak. Elements who might want to check their humor. (Edited to bold the tongue in cheek part. This is meant to be deliberately funny, not unintentionally so.)
  9. Praying throughout the day. (and bumping)
  10. Actually, I only have Facebook to keep tabs on one friend and to "like" favorite curriculum suppliers so that I have access to free stuff/sales. :o The problem likely stems from my appalling ignorance. :o :o
  11. HELP!!! Facebook experts: Why do I keep getting "User account has been invalidated?"
  12. I think the accusation of "ugly tactics" is simply a cowardly, sideways attempt at "shut up." Not just in this thread, but in many conversations people do not wish to have.
  13. Praying for healing, peace, and strength. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isa 53:5
  14. Ack. Just saw this. The prealgebra content is the same in the Prealgebra and Prealgebra/Intro to Algebra(combination) books.
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