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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Queen Ellie, I may not sleep a wink tonight! Oh, and BooYA, bay-bee!!! This is the thread that never ends It just goes on and on my friends...
  2. Yowzers. Of a completely different sort. Hey, Renai...do we have a "fanning myself" smilie? I'm DEFINITELY thinking the ITT confab needs to be in Hawaii.
  3. Well, she ain't the Original Booya Babe fer nuthin'!
  4. But did you laugh (or at least smile)? Because that's the secret. ;)
  5. This video holds the secret to life. Everyone needs to watch it.
  6. Yowzers! That better be some mighty good pastry. :scared:
  7. Will continue to pray as long as you need it. The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. Ps. 34:17
  8. Psst! Lynn! You forgot to sing. Remember, "This is the thread that never ends..." Quick! Change it before Renai sees...
  9. Seriously? Your first post, and already you're pounding down the brew? I bet you don't even really homeschool.
  10. "I listened to this and sobbed. Thank you." :grouphug: "My plan for today is to sit on the couch, write thank you notes to the caregivers, and be a wreck. I have decided that anyone who is a wreck is welcome to join me. If folks are not a wreck, they can go hang with the unwrecked people." The wrecked people are far healthier and better off than those who've yet to realize their brokenness. Tight :grouphug: s and many prayers; grief sucks. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.†Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor. 12:910
  11. I've posted this one before, but it seemed appropriate for the day. Have a blessed day, everyone.
  12. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing Tex's Nan home so gently. :grouphug: and condolences to you, Tex, and your family for your loss. Tex, I also want to thank you for sharing Nan's final walk with us. God bless you for your faithful and steadfast care; your strength and tenderness was beautiful to see, even if I watched it from a distance. It always makes me so sad when I hear Christians fall away when they experience suffering; having walked a similar path with my grandmother, I've come to believe that it is only through travelling a hard and painful road that can we truly begin to appreciate our Savior's sacrifice. Again, bless you for sharing your witness and your walk. My family will pray for yours.
  13. Will continue to pray as long as you all need prayer.
  14. Thank you very much for the hula, Your Majesty. I am sure that it will go a long way to heal the painful divisions that were springing up over poor language usage and the quacking up of a member. One question, though. What's the difference between the two?
  15. We were gone all day, because we went on a naturalist-led hike through an old growth cedar grove. It was so, so awesome!
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