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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I have been at this amusement park since it opened at 11. I think my butt is permanently attached to the table bench. Poor me. Poor, poor, pitiful me. #yestexisaidbutt
  2. No the OP, but I have a child expressing interest in math competitions. Thank you for this excellent post.
  3. Praying fervently. Christ have mercy. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Ro. 8:28
  4. Rose: You might want to look at Brave Writer's Fan Fiction class. If you are looking for a summer class or perhaps a supplementary writing class during the school year it might fit the bill. DD took it and LOVED it. She was able to learn some new techniques in a manageable format. And the teacher, Susanne Barrett, is FABULOUS.
  5. OP: Slight sidetrack. Does AoPS have an actual plan to continue the video series but there is no release date, or is the plan to make further videos less than definitive? My DD loved the Intro to Algebra A course, but she relied heavily on the videos. I am struggling with whether or not I should let her continue with AoPS or just jump ship now to find a more long-term math option. (I send an email question to AoPS on this very subject a couple of weeks ago, but I never received a reply.)
  6. Thanks! Renai is my inspiration to learn new techy things. :001_smile:
  7. Poor Jean! One of my blood sugar nemeses is oatmeal. And everywhere you look someone is touting the benefits of oatmeal in maintaining blood sugar balance. Yeah? No. If I eat that stuff I am blacking out two hours later. It's so weird how the same food affects different bodies differently. And it can be really, really frustrating. Especially when the peeps around one can eat everything you they want. :sad:
  8. :lol: I have the same plan for MY comedian, but I've not yet decided during which term. FWIW, Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer ( :001_wub: ), in response to my articulated concerns about said comedian's lack of structured academic writing skills, pretty much told me to chill out. Very nicely and in a very well-supported way. :blushing:
  9. Good morning all! I'm sucking down coffee and mentally girding myself for the day. I am taking DD and a friend to the local (well, regional) amusement park. It's gonna be a looooooong day. (Actually, they've reached the age when I am comfortable letting them wander together, tied to me only with a cell phone. So I will find a central location and work on next year's lesson plans. For a very long time.) Wish me luck.
  10. Praying for you all this evening. Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30
  11. The juxtaposition of these two sentences is...disturbing.
  12. I never had my portrait as my avatar. I just posted it. I couldn't figure out how to make it my avatar.
  13. :iagree: I find this latest post particularly nasty given the call to prayer by board members who are facing extremely difficult personal situations. Given this poster's history, I am highly skeptical that the she has suddenly become open-minded and wants to learn about prayer. Just more of her nasty mocking disguised as a "discussion."
  14. But you homeschool your children, manage your family, and provide support and wisdom to many, many people. While dealing with chronic health and pain issues. Pretty dang impressive I'd say. YAY, you. :thumbup1: I think it's worth a BOOYA. (ETA You beat me to it!)
  15. It will be awesome. And walking is healthier anyway. If you want to work on your pace, look into the Galloway method. It's great for the athletically challenged (of whom I am one.)
  16. When I ran the Disneyland Marathon, we ran through Anaheim Stadium. Our names were announced over the sound system. So, as I was running through, I got to hear "FA Sticky from Hometown Hometown Hometown." It was so awesome.
  17. Bleh. In my running days, we lived in the heck-hole that is Central California. We ran after work; ie, the hottest, smoggiest time of day. I had to run with an inhaler. I don't have asthma. BTW, the "Rock and Roll" series is supposed to be fabulous.
  18. :cheers2: I had an uncle named Darwin. I think he really was the missing link. P.S. Henceforth, you shall be Cuzzin Slash.
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