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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I think you two are sisters who were accidentally separated at birth.
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, I SO crack myself up! (See AMJ? You don't need others to make yourself laugh; just be a psycho like me! :wacko: :wacko: ) ( I :wub: that :wacko: guy.)
  3. Silly? We are not silly. We are serious, classical homeschoolers. I am deeply offended.
  4. I suspect that would be only one small component of non-stop hilarity.
  5. You know, Jean, essential oils will cure leukemia. For reals. (ETA: That really is a joke. I don't say "for reals" for reals, only for joking. :wacko: )
  6. I wish we all lived in the same town. Girls Night Out would be SO.FREAKING.AWESOME.
  7. :grouphug: I am so glad that we've outgrown the early "germ monster" years. More :grouphug: .
  8. Ya know, living with a twelve year old comedienne, I should have seen this coming. :svengo: Okay. Never mind. On the relocation question, I don't think that my area would be a replacement. :001_smile:
  9. I wish Queen Ellie would bring back the goodnight hula. That is all.
  10. Not the OP and not the same issues here but, WOW. Thanks for the link!
  11. Asking God to send wisdom, discernment, and peace your way. Me, I'm just good for :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .
  12. Directly from the website: C H R I S T I A NAttuneUp classes are taught from the Christian worldview. Students are encouraged to write with excellence for an Audience of One.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:, Renai. I'm sorry things are tough for you right now. I hope it all works out.
  14. :huh: Thanks again, Tex. *scurrying off to make note: Do NOT buy the paint at Lowe's...*
  15. Why were you drowning Matt's sister? And photographing it?
  16. Hey, Tex: Thanks for testing out the "what will happen if I buy separate gallons of paint" thing for me. When we paint DD's room while she's away at camp we'll be sure to get one huge batch. It was really cool of you to take one for the team like that. You rock.
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