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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Oh, thank you so much for sharing that, Creekland. The thought of one "drinking two glasses of one's own urine" went so nicely with my morning coffee! :ack2: (And, no, I will not take responsibility for having chosen to read the thread. You tempted me! :P )
  2. Coffee. Usually about an hour ago, but I'm running late. Other than that, it depends upon the mood and the contents of the fridge! :001_smile:
  3. Totally normal. So is mirror writing. Mine did both, is now 13, and writes well. :001_smile:
  4. We're doing the online classes. DD did the A class in the Spring, is taking Intro to Counting and Probability this term, and will take the B class in the Spring next year. Outside the online classes, I would imagine a full school year to do the book.
  5. DD went from the old MM6 to Lial's Pre-Algebra (which had all been covered in MM with only 2 minor exceptions) and then to AoPS Algebra. We covered Chapters 2 and 9 in the Pre-Algebra book before we started, and I'm glad we did.
  6. Poor you! That's awful. Sending warm wishes your way.
  7. Well, if she wants a drink first thing, I get her a drink from my bathroom sink. If not, I follow her downstairs and give her her catnip treats and her dental treats. Then I take care of the dogs. But I'm not trained. I do that because I WANT to. And I can quit whenever. I want. For real.
  8. Umm...you realize that AoPS has an online Geometry class, right? (She said with an evil laugh.) :-D
  9. We're doing it this year, 8th grade, for a pre-high school baseline. Our local charter school is following the same procedure of same-day registration. They don't start until 8:30, though. Whew!
  10. By the time I noticed your question, EKS had explained the answer. :001_smile:
  11. I certainly understand the your point (highlighted), but I think some people need to do so in order to qualify for dual enrollment.
  12. Also, has anyone warned you about the potential consequences of iron supplementation? As is, you might want to up your fiber, too? :o
  13. Yes. In our state, in essence, one semester class equals one credit. So, compared to what appears to be the majority of others, DD will wind up with twice the "normal" number of credits. She will likely eventually apply to the state university which uses the same numbers for its admissions requirements, but will likely apply to others which use the other credit system. Hence my question whether I should keep track both ways. If that clears things up. :001_unsure:
  14. Red clam sauce simmered in a cast iron pot.
  15. DD, 8th grade, has decided that she would like to continue homeschooling through high school, so I am beginning to construct a four-year plan. From reading through some of the threads on credits and planning (Oh, Lori D, I so :001_wub: you!), it appears that most people are using Cambridge credit hours, i.e., approximately 120 hours per credit. Our state, however, defines a credit as equating to 60 hours of total instructional time (or mastery-yay!). Our state university follows that system for admissions, but I assume that many others will not. In this situation, would it be wise to create dual transcripts, one using our state’s system and one using the Cambridge system? Or am I over-thinking this?
  16. FWIW, we did Latin gently, from Song School Latin, to Minumus and Minimus Secundus, to halfway through Cambridge Latin 2, with the expectations increasing along the way. By the time we reached Cambridge Latin 2, DD had a tutor and did a short translation and some of the workbook exercises each week. This year we've stepped up to High School Latin 2 using Oxford Latin, through CLRC. She has about 5 pages of homework per week, has vocabulary study at least 3 times per week, and will have a mid-term and final. Although she is technically in 8th grade, I will assign high school credit for this year's course, but no credit for anything preceding it. I think high school credit requires the current level of rigor. HTH. :001_smile:
  17. I know that the AoPS progression in somewhat non-traditional, so I'm not quite sure where Introduction to Counting and Probability fits in. So what do the experts think: Is this class worthy of high school credit? (Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm new to the credit scene. :scared: )
  18. OP: I'm new to the "oh, my gosh how do I handle this on the transcript" party, but I am VERY interested in hearing your thoughts about the class. I came thisclose to signing DD up for that class this year, so I'd love to hear any feedback you are willing to share as I contemplate what we'll do next year. :001_smile:
  19. Awww, that's wonderful!! Good for you for thinking of it!
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