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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Slash, I have no advice. I had to lie down in a blacked out room with a pillow over my head. I don't think that works with two short people hanging around. :( Gentle :grouphug: .
  2. I liked this for Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. Not for Brad Pitt.
  3. Mine's an only. She had lots and lots of imaginary friends. I miss imaginary friends. Sigh.
  4. The thought of planning DD's HS education has me paralyzed with terror.
  5. Thanks again, Ray! DH has a Prime account; I'll ask him to look for those videos. Going through her book, though, it looks like she started to fall behind after chapter 2. That week she had a HECK of a time getting out of the orange, so I don't think she spent as much time preparing for the class. Then the third week she never made it out of the orange on the challenge problems, so I'm thinking we need to go back and shore up her understanding of the concepts in weeks 2 and 3. Unfortunately, my kid is much smarter than I am, and I am of little direct help. My neighbor (who has a PhD in Physics) has offered to help out, so I'm hoping that he will be able to give her some guidance. Thank you again for you ideas. I really appreciate the help!
  6. Thank you for posting, Julie! She's taking the online class, so the problems are different. Like a goofball, I had totally forgotten that one of our neighbors has a PhD in Physics and, not surprisingly, is very solid in math. I'm going to send the book to him to preview and then he's going to go over the material with DD. I think that you're absolutely right-more time with the book is likely a good thing. :001_smile:
  7. They are, indeed, hilarious. Beware of some adult content, though. I was okay with DD watching it at 12, but others may have different age limits.
  8. Please give us an update, Renai, if you can. I'll be praying for you.
  9. Renai, why do I get the feeling that getting your schooling finished will be the best BP medicine you've ever found?
  10. Yeah, what do they know. I'm going with the Catholics on this one. ;)
  11. With the grace of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (And the occasional glass of wine. Following His example, of course.) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. Shoot. And here I thought that I finally found the answer.
  13. She's taking the online class. She's been able to get the Alcumus component into the green each week so far, but it's really been a struggle. Compared to the Intro to Algebra A class (which we thought was hard), this one is a booty-buster! I just realized, though, that I'm not sure the sequence that the class is following in Alcumus. I will check and suggest that she start at the beginning, if the class has done something different. Thank you so much for helping me. I got through calculus and statistics in college, but they were the versions for morons business majors, so AoPS is really not a good fit for mom!
  14. Uh-oh. Sounds like we need an intervention from Ellie or ProfessorMom. I am not adequate.. :ph34r:
  15. I can't believe I missed that Jean is collecting bugs. (need facepalm smilie dude here [Renai!]) I will gather up the hordes of nasty little ladybugs that want to overwinter in my house and send them your way, Jean!
  16. Oh, bless you! Honestly, I am so clueless that I am not able to evaluate the material. I will show DD your post and suggest that she try your approach. Thank you so much for your help!
  17. I love you, Slash, but sometimes you show your youth. It's not "spatula," it's The Rod of POWER.
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