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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Matt's a poopyhead. It's all his fault you're craving chocolate in the first place.
  2. If you're in Portland, I'm about 450 miles away. A bit far for a regular hangout, but if we head to the coast to camp, I'm calling you to see my practice grandbabies! :)
  3. Halloween is an excuse to dress like a pirate. As if an excuse were needed. (Rolling eyes)
  4. Tillamook makes American cheese that's...cheese. For real cheese, not cheese food product. DD loves it. I'm too cheap to feed it to all of us.
  5. Just write it down and put it away...until he starts dating.
  6. Susan, there's a completely different "in WalMart" scale. If you got out without having committed murder, you're fine, sweetie. :001_tt2:
  7. That is the stuff of nightmares. Reminder for Renai: Ducky needs a medal.
  8. My 13-year-old is, likewise, obsessing over gearing up for NaNoWriMo. For the month of November, writing time will be the carrot to get the schoolwork done. I look forward to a VERY productive month. (insert evil laugh here) Oh, and ditto on the summer bathing. We are quite filthy. Because dirt. And animal hair. And lake. And horse poop. And bugs. And...
  9. Good morning, everyone. We are a Daily Bathing Family. In case anyone was wondering about our denominational affiliation. Feel free to go about your day.
  10. Umm, Slash? By worrying like this you are letting her control you. You've done nothing wrong; let it go.
  11. I remember it the same way. Renai started it(most awesomely, I might add.) And Susan expanded the awesome.
  12. My child is an only so I really like her. Because no other options. (When she was little, the constant conversation was exhausting, though. My next-door neighbor thought I was nuts, because I loved having all four of her kids over at once. All the time. But, honestly, it was easier to just be the manager and not the everything.)
  13. My husband is also named John and is really, really LOUD. There must be something to the name.
  14. JoJosMom is no good at math and cannot calculate time zone differences. :wacko:
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