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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. It's probably also safe to say that, by speaking up in this thread, you have been speaking for a WHOLE lot of others who no longer bother. Thank you.
  2. :scared: Thank goodness that God made me a relatively hairless woman. I tried to pluck my eyebrows once. ONCE. I discovered that the hairs in my eyebrows are attached to nerves that wrap around my eyeballs like six times and are glued to my brain. YEE-OUCH. Never, ever, ever again. I like my eyebrow au naturel, thankyouverymuch.
  3. Just realized that I should have added why. I like where the bangs are hitting; you have great cheekbones and they are accentuated. I also like the layering at the ends. It seems to work with your natural waves and is framing your jawline. The only thing that might need a teeny bit of help is styling the bangs (styling, as in blowing in a little more curl.) IMO. (Unless I am wrong. And I am never wrong.)
  4. I love the look, Lynn. I even like the sweatshirt. (I'm not much of a dress up at home person. Because horses.)
  5. Well, the upside of China's policy is that they culturally favor adoption and older parents. That plus the cost does land many of their orphans in much better circumstances here.
  6. We did. Neither one of us would do a domestic adoption. We both worked in law enforcement and saw some horror stories. We started the process to adopt from China, but stopped because of the cost. We had to choose between me staying at home with the miracle we were given, or me having to work and only be with two part time. We chose me staying home. It was the right decision for us.
  7. I think you should have followed Renai's advice and gotten pinon nuts. They would have been handy projectiles.
  8. It will be fun to practice. I've already told my child that I expect 6 grandchildren. :lol:
  9. There's a follow up, What to Expect: The Toddler Years. If you PM your address, I'll send it as Happy Pregnancy gift! :001_smile: (I love babies-they are such wonderful blessings. I wish I could have had more. So you can be pregnant for both of us!)
  10. Like I said, I cheated and got an easy baby. My favorite, go-to, owner's manual to short people was the "What to Expect" books. Does the What to Expect Year Two book cover potty training? Jeez. It's been so long, I've kinda forgotten.
  11. Related to the above: I know you mentioned earlier that John hit milestones much more quickly. Don't know if this is similar or not, but my mom thought I was slooooooow. My brother was really, really bright and I just followed along. Mom went to our pediatrician out of concern that something was wrong with me. His response: "She'll do just fine once motormouth lets her get a word in edgewise." (BTW, I'm smart. Weird, but smart relative to the general population.)
  12. Mine was peeing in the potty by 2. She was pooping in the potty, too, but had a problem with constipation. She was 100% trained by 2 1/2. She was an early talker, though, and was able to tell us when she needed to go and what she needed to do.
  13. Oh, and if she can let you know that she needs a new diaper, then I think she's ready for potty training.
  14. When did you tell her about the new baby? And when did you get really sick? She may be telling you that she's feeling a bit topsy-turvy.
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