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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. My husband and I are taking turns watching it over and over. I wish I had emoticons on my tablet; I need the luuuuuv guy!
  2. Oh, stop! That's so freaking cute it ought to be illegal!
  3. Awww. My practice grandbabies are just so dang cute.
  4. I'm honestly not sure about our standard public high school; that's an "attend over my cold dead body" option. We have a public charter school that is very homeschool friendly. I know a number of homeschool families who have sent their children for senior year to get a diploma from a "regular" school.
  5. Jo is listening to Brandon Heath while doing her math. Brandon Heath is awesome.
  6. Absolutely! Anything for my widdle darlings! It should be out of the oven in about 15-20 minutes and I'll send it right over. I hope you all like chocolate and cinnamon chips; I seem to have a bit of a sweet tooth right now.
  7. Not at all; that's completely ridiculous. Excuse me-I have to go make banana bread.
  8. Oh, and I ran out of likes this morning. That's wrong.
  9. FWIW, I was on a fairly high dose of prednisone for much of my pregnancy (different reason) with no ill effects and never any mention of cleft palate. It is, however, a very powerful medication with known side effects. If you keep vomiting, it's definitely preferable to hospitalization for dehydration, but I'd try the ginger first.
  10. I'm offended by this. First, you call me fat. Then, you say I'm confusing. I'm leaving.
  11. Hmm, for someone who is supposed to be "at work," I'm noticing some posting in a certain writing thread. Be Strong! Yield Not Unto Temptation, Renai! (Wish I had a raspberry like that one...)
  12. Wow, the posts by this woman are awesome. She ought to be an early childhood educator or something. ;)
  13. :party: This is getting to be a regular thing. Me likey!
  14. Holy cow-we're contagious. I didn't even think that was possible. :zombiechase:
  15. I've been up since o'dark thirty. Good night, ITT friends. :)
  16. No. :) Just had to chase the short person off to bed. She had a sleepover last night and is overtired.
  17. You have torn my heart asunder, Slash. :(
  18. Who is this she of whom you speak? I already said it's NOT me.
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