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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :grouphug: and a prayer for comfort and healing.
  2. Oh, it's a Minion. I :001_wub: Minions. (What can I say? I peaked at three.)
  3. Cool! DD and her friend spent the night at Nana's house, so we're playing hooky from church today. I need to fill my morning with spiritual activity!
  4. :grouphug: I'm really glad that you're in the homestretch. You've had an awful lot on your plate. (Are you sure we can't do a ninja elephant on her? I'm kind of a doer and would really like to feel like I'm contributing. :gnorsi: )
  5. Oh, and good morning. No one told my body that it's daylight savings end, so I'm up early. We're still getting drenched, but nothing like Texas. Tex and Ellie: Don't forget your water wings today!
  6. Can I just say "district consultant" is one of the reasons I am so not a fan of our Educational System (said in a big, booming, echoey voice.) I wonder how many of those infest every school system across the nation, making more money than the classroom teachers and justifying their existence by meddling incessantly? Grr. I wonder if we could "effect change" ( :ack2: ) nationwide by ninja-elephant-ing just one?
  7. I can understand a 3 year-old having an emergency. I cannot understand the parent's silence. I think she should at least have explained the necessity and apologized to you. On the upside, you have quite the Halloween story!
  8. . Plus dd6 is very sad that I'm not going. :crying: Poor little Duckling. :sad:
  9. The best news: There's no else around to influence what you CHOOSE to do. Got any chocolate in the house?
  10. (PSST!!!! Everyone! Did you hear that Quacker's husband got arrested?!?)
  11. I would puffy heart love it if you would offer the Study Skills class over the summer. :001_smile: (ETA: My DD will be starting high school next year.)
  12. Oh, that is such a fantabulous idea! And it would so nicely house my bazooka...
  13. Addendum to yesterday's whine: The bucket of our tractor holds A LOT of dirt. The area that I excavated for drainage was composed of mostly clay soil. Clay is very heavy. I am very sore. Poop aerobics in the pouring rain pushing the wheelbarrow through the mud was particularly yucky challenging today. End of addendum. Thank you again for listening. Off for a hot (daily) shower. Amen.
  14. Oh, pul-eeze, Susan! Like there's anyone cool alive who DOESN'T have it on the calendar. :001_rolleyes:
  15. Oh, you must have one! BUT you have to wait until the light is on, so you can get one while they're hot. It's an entirely different experience. They absolutely melt in your mouth. YUM.
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