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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. To heck with the children. Have you told us yet whether you've flossed today?
  2. Renai: Some blacks have a genetic mutation that makes them incredibly sensitive to sodium, which is apparently one of the reasons why the rate of people with hypertension is so much higher in blacks. Not that I googled your medical issues. Because that might be indicative of my being a teensy bit neurotic. Which I'm not. At all. But now I'm really, really in favor of you trying the DASH diet. Just because.
  3. HOW can you people carry on like this as if everything was okay? Do you not realize that it is 11:30 am (PST) AND WE'VE YET TO LEARN WHETHER SUSAN HAS FLOSSED?!? :svengo:
  4. Oooo, I WISH I lived on the carnival circuit. I think I'd fit right in! :wacko: Nope. Just ten acres in the country with not enough animals. Yet.
  5. My DD is taking the AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability class and has struggled mightily with counting (chs. 2-6.) I am, frankly, of absolutely no use to her. She has watched the videos and asked questions, but has REALLY struggled to get into the green. I did locate an MIT open courseware counting lecture; she said it helped some. Does anyone have any suggestions for other material that might help? I don’t believe she’s used Khan Academy yet; if anyone knows of specific lectures, that would be great.
  6. My DD is taking the AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability class and has struggled mightily with counting (chs. 2-6.) I am, frankly, of absolutely no use to her. She has watched the videos and asked questions, but has REALLY struggled to get into the green. I did locate an MIT open courseware counting lecture; she said it helped some. Does anyone have any suggestions for other material that might help? I don’t believe she’s used Khan Academy yet; if anyone knows of specific lectures, that would be great.
  7. I think that I'd best focus on that second cup of coffee. I'm consciousness streaming. It's a bit scary. And weird.
  8. And Good Morning, Everyone! It was, once again, 23 degrees outside when I woke up. The thermometer on the old pole barn tells me that the temperature has crept up to 30, but the conditions outside lead me to believe that is a false high. I have just made myself a second cup of coffee and am delaying the delivery of the horsies' hot cereal, because I am a bad, BAD mommy. (But I did remember their jammies last night, so I know they aren't cold. The low the night before was unexpected so no jammies. Again, bad, BAD mommy. [i am so glad that I have animals. Otherwise, I might somehow escape mommy guilt when the short person eventually grows all the way up.])
  9. STOP READING, Renai. Information is good; information overload is bad. (I don't mean to sound harsh. I have an autoimmune disorder that is believed to be the leading cause of stroke in younger women. If I don't watch myself, I get sucked into the medical "what ifs." I forget that they are averages and lose sight of me and what I can and should be doing. :grouphug: ) I :thumbup: the idea of the DASH diet.
  10. Thank you, Slash. But I'm home now; enough of this "we have to wait 'til tomorrow" hooey!
  11. SERIOUSLY? Argh! I'm leaving in a few minutes to have dinner out with Nana. I don't suppose you could wait on the announcement until I'm back? I'm sure the other kids won't mind....
  12. Oh, gosh, I don't know about that. Personally, I think we'd be so amazingly cool that we'd be the next hot thang!
  13. I totally, absolutely, 100% agree with this. But I need to add this: They should get all blustered about it BECAUSE IT IS TOTALLY WRONG. And I still think you need to contact your insurance company and your state's medical board.
  14. I have to say, though, if they do a hand motion timeline song to Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm totally in, too. With BELLS ON, BAY-BEE. :thumbup1:
  15. I've come to the conclusion that Classical Conversations is like the Amway of the Homeschool World.
  16. More medical stuff. I finally found what I was looking for. Chronic cervicitis can cause symptoms (or not) and can result in cervical cell dysplasia (which is really more like pre-cancer). Here's the WebMD page. My former OB/GYN was a reproductive endocrinologist and believed in aggressive treatment. According to him, the majority of his new patients came in with some level of persistent cervical inflammation. Watching (at least 15 years ago) was the common approach, but he always treated it, usually by freezing the cervix. Which is no fun. Ask me how I know. No, wait. Don't ask.
  17. Slash, truly there's a disconnect here. If your friend has cancer which is spreading to other organs/sites, that is a medical emergency which requires treatment. For them to advocate that she wait and watch for a year makes no sense. While it is possible-there are some horrendously incompetent doctors out there-the recommendation is so weird that I have to suspect a communication problem. Now if her Paps have found dysplastic cells on multiple occasions, that MIGHT be something to watch (although, with her symptoms, I would think that investigation and treatment would be more appropriate.) In any event, I would suggest that she first clarify the findings. She needs to know what tests were done and what the findings were-and get it in writing. Hopefully, she can schedule a sit-down with the doctor and bring a friend/loved one to the appointment. It's really scary to hear "abnormal test results," and it's easy to shut down. On the upside, however, I believe that it's ovarian cancer that is aggressive and really, really bad. Cervical cancer, I think, is more treatable. :grouphug:
  18. Sorry-on my phone and accidentally hit "like." I don't like that your friend has cancer. As for cervical cancer, I know that it's very treatable. Waiting a year seems odd UNLESS they are waiting for a definitive diagnosis. Paps, for example, give lots of false positives, and persistent cervical infection can produce symptoms that are also consistent with cancer. I would suggest that your friend request a consultation appointment with her doc, i.e., with her clothes on in his office. It's hard to ask intelligent questions when you're naked and sitting on crinkly paper.
  19. Umm, that would be Dr. Sowell. We fans can be quite particular. ;)
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