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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. We must all be psychotic psychic really really smart!
  2. I was wondering myself, but I didn't want to ask. Says the poster named after a cartoon character...
  3. Me, too. Especially the kind with chocolate and caramel.
  4. Dude! I like bullets, too! And guns! Oh, wait. Wrong kind. Never mind.
  5. Okay. Announcement: I am a loser-mom. After the whole camping, house guests, then more guests thing I forgot to brag about tell you about DD's Algebra class. My darling baby, who has been blessed with a good brain and had yet to encounter hard (and has not much liked it when she's run across it), took the online AoPS Intro to Algebra I class. She got an "A" and got all but 2 weeks into the blue "mastery" level (green is passing.) It was really hard, which kinda threw her for a loop, but she buckled down, worked hard, and did awesomely. I so pwoud. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: You deserve pizza. And chocolate.
  7. Well, maybe some of us are. Or perhaps some of us are just exquisitely awesome. Me, I'm going with Option 2.
  8. I can't get it to load. I think my security software is interfering and Tech Support DH is at work. (You know, you'd think that I could have helped out and edited the darn thing. You know, what I get paid for. You know, what I'm chained to the computer doing tonight. And have been so chained and so doing since noon. I think it's wine o'clock. [or is that whine o'clock?]) If I can get it to open (like, tomorrow, because I need help), I'll take a look and send suggestions, if you'd like.
  9. Actually, I change my vote and go with swellmomma's modifed version of 1.
  10. I agree. The first way makes it really hard to read, and it makes me start thinking about comma placement.
  11. You rock, Jean! I'm sorry that your body is hurting, but I hope that your spirit is more at peace. The beauty of God's creation can be so healing. (Was that last berry a thimbleberry? We loves us some thimbleberries! :drool5: )
  12. Poor Mooies. :sad: I think she needs pizza and root beer.
  13. Okay, everyone. Stop it with the pizza torture, will you? DH is working and DD gets to go across the street to Nonna's house (courtesy grandmother) for homemade pizza. Nonna's dad was from Sicily. Nonna's homemade anything Italian rocks the house. Me, I get to stay here chained to the computer so I can make Monday's work deadline. Poor me.
  14. Opps. Replied too quickly; I see you were getting there all your own self. Like the intelligent, responsible adult you are.
  15. Umm, Slash? You are one now, and doing a *damn* fine job of it, too. Just ask the well-adjusted tiny humans in your house.
  16. Ooooo, ooooo, ooooooo!! Pick me! Pick me! (Or, in the alternative, "Sign me up!") :001_smile:
  17. Oh, no! Your poor DD. And eye injuries hurt. I'll be praying for complete healing. Oh, and I'm so glad that you've nothing else in your life right now to worry about. When it rains, it pours. (Just ask Tex.) More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .
  18. An interesting study by the NY Fed finds a link between rising college tuition and the availability of federal aid. Credit Supply and the Rise in CollegeTuition: Evidence from the Expansion in Federal Student Aid Programs
  19. Me three! We could have a sub-thread reading group.
  20. I've made far too many bad decisions to dare to offer advice, so just more: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:.
  21. I've heard that that which does not kill you makes you stronger. I'm not sure it's very helpful.
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