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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Ahem. Some of us south of the border might disagree, right?
  2. I'm 67% Texas. It's amazing what you pick up in DFW airport.
  3. Hey, wait a cotton pickin' minute! I turn my back on this thread to, you know, educate my child (booooo-ring) AND NOW YOU HAVE POINTS????? Where are MY points? Don't I get some points? Well, actually, now that I think about it, I participated. Where's my trophy? I'm an American, for Pete's sake. :toetap05:
  4. Thank you for the PSA, OP. I consider myself a dyed-in-the-wool neurotic mom and this was news to me. Also, I could see DD letting someone use her phone who claimed an emergency or whatever. Just a couple of weeks ago, she was with me at the grocery store when I let a woman use my phone to call a family member. Her phone wasn't working and she was late-didn't want them to worry. I could see that influencing DD. :crying: She meets her Latin tutor at a coffee shop and is occasionally alone for little while. Hmm, guess what we'll be chatting about tonight...
  5. Shiny and new? I like shiny and new! Bonus points if it's REALLY expensive.
  6. Cupcakes are for slacker moms who won't take the time to master cake baking. They just go to the store, pick up that boxed stuff full of chemicals, write a check slooooowly at the register, and abandon their carts in the middle of the parking lot. Hmph.
  7. Well, there's your problem. Everyone knows that spiral programs are the devil's spawn. Mastery, baby. Mastery.
  8. We started with Song School Latin, then did Minimus, and are now using Cambridge Latin. It has worked well here.
  9. We are very happy with Cambridge Latin here. You can buy the materials on Amazon. I have no experience with Lively Latin, so I can't compare the programs.
  10. Well, that's probably because you chose the wrong math curriculum. Shall we discuss spiral vs. mastery now?
  11. So, does anyone else agree that there's absolutely nothing to that whole "reverse psychology" thing? I mean, really, what a stupid concept.
  12. My DD is a devoted follower of the Bard, so there's no such thing as "too much Shakespeare" around here. I think the key to enjoying and appreciating his works is to perform them, however. They are plays and the lines are meant to be spoken, not read. Here, the spark was DD's participation in a Shakespeare troupe. If your DC find the language to be challenging, I would suggest informal family productions. Also, look for modern "translations" online; truly, one may as well be reading a foreign language. (FWIW, this approach works well here for any of the older classics with antiquated language [read "Dickens"].)
  13. No Pi Day theme?!? What kind of tech company are they? They need to be expelled from the hallowed halls of geekdom. :sneaky2:
  14. I don't know about the poster to whom you were referring, but I believe that some people categorize milk more as a food than a beverage. HTH.
  15. Oh, boy! The special Pi Day t-shirt for DD is hiding in a cupboard, we're have an egg and bacon pi for breakfast and a chicken pot pi for dinner, and we're attending Pi Day festivities at the library in between. Nah, not that excited here. :tongue_smilie:
  16. For those who have had students take this class, did you have them do problems from the book not assigned in class or do you think that the assigned work is sufficient?
  17. I was doing my morning perusal of the news. I read these two articles; what a contrast between what we are capable of, good and bad. The dichotomy for some reason really struck me. Anyone else find this almost painful to think about? ISIS militants 'bulldozed' ancient archaeological site, Iraqi ministry says Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars Or maybe it's just time to stop reading the news and get on with my day.
  18. You might also want to look at Conceptual Integrated Science by Hewitt. It's a high school level text. I have both that and the Trefil book; the Hewitt text is a little more approachable IMO. Dr. Art's Guide to Science is a great book; we used it in grade 6. HTH.
  19. I actually agree with you. I simply meant that I did not think it would be a good idea for an individual to try to do the procedure herself, absent a whole lot more research, etc. The practioners to whom I was referring would be the ones currently doing the procedure. The article that I read mentioned a few; I wish I could remember where I read it. I apologize for being unclear. As a person who benefited from an experimental (and now FDA-banned) procedure to deal with autoimmune issues and miscarriage I TOTALLY understand what you are saying.
  20. The Novare Physical Science is targeted for 11-14 years of age. How do I know? Just arrived in the mail today. I'm kicking myself, because I think it is EXACTLY what I wanted this year. (We shelved Hewitt's Conceptual Integrated Science as a bit too much, too soon.) I've only glanced through so far. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions. But it looks like it may be 8th grade science around here.
  21. I keep a copy of Strunk and White's Elements of Style on my desk at all times. It's been with me since college. It is indispensable.
  22. No, it's not just yours. They are all defective.
  23. You are absolutely right and I did not mean to suggest otherwise. It's just that their wanton destruction of cultural and historical treasure makes me ill. I can't even bear to look at the photos/videos of what they are doing to their fellow human beings. Dear God, how can anyone be so evil? It is truly mind-boggling.
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