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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. How strange. For a time, it appeared that my uncontrollable cravings for bacon were, for once, under control. Suddenly, they are back...
  2. Well, now that your story has a happy ending... I disagree with the posters who don't believe that cats will use elimination to show displeasure. A friend had a boy cat who was...possessive. If friend had an overnight guest of the opposite sex, boy cat pooped in his shoes! I'm glad to hear that your problem resolved!
  3. I'm not keeping up with this thread, so I apologize if this has already been linked. The below is of an interview conducted with one of the individuals who first identified an Ebola virus. I found it to be quite interesting. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/04/ebola-zaire-peter-piot-outbreak Edited to add another link. This is a link to Science. They have made available to the public a collection of research and news articles. http://www.sciencemag.org/site/extra/ebola/
  4. My daughter is taking the first course and has reached the point where it is difficult for her. Is there a way to go back and try to re-work earlier problems? Neither she nor I can find a way to do that, but I thought someone posting on one of these boards was able to do that. Suggestions, advice, guidance?
  5. My daughter is taking the first course and has reached the point where it is difficult for her. Is there a way to go back and try to re-work earlier problems? Neither she nor I can find a way to do that, but I thought someone posting on one of these boards was able to do that. Suggestions, advice, guidance?
  6. My daughter is taking the first course and has reached the point where it is difficult for her. Is there a way to go back and try to re-work earlier problems? Neither she nor I can find a way to do that, but I thought someone posting on one of these boards was able to do that. Suggestions, advice, guidance?
  7. It does not simply "make sense." It is awesome. Thank you for sharing this.
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/hiv-was-created-by-perfect-storm-of-factors-that-led-to-pandemic-study-reveals-9770552.html Given the prevalence of viruses in the news, I thought that this was an interesting read. Scientists believe that they have tracked the AIDS viruses to the source of the pandemic. May be a good thing to pass on to older, science-loving students (in addition to moms.)
  9. Thanks! It's not so much "boring" math this year. It's more "holycowthismakesmehaftathinkandidontwannanononono!!!" math (we're doing AoPS-at her request-a last minute shift from Foerster's.) A new paradigm! :ohmy: We're pretty much taking it one day at a time and we'll see how it goes. She's a bright little monkey, but she's not way advanced like most of the posters' kids on this board. I only ventured in here because of the topic of your post. I would really appreciate updates on how your DS does with Elements of Mathematics-you could be my advance team! :001_smile:
  10. Enterovirus is fairly common and has generally been associated with relatively mild illness. This year enterovirus 68 has been associated with severe respiratory symptoms and possibly with paralysis. Viruses change. The ebola viruses cause serious illness and each is associated with a high fatality rate in Africa. On the upside, it has, traditionally, been considered fairly difficult to transmit person-to-person. During this latest outbreak, however, the virus has spread more (geographically) than in other outbreaks. A patient has now transported it to Texas, and it would not be surprising if this event repeats. The virus is now in a new “environment,†so to speak. We don’t know how (or if) this will impact the virus. But viruses change. I find this to be a subject of concern. This does not mean that I am moving into a bunker or putting on a tinfoil hat. I think that we should have a coherent strategy for dealing with public health emergencies (particularly dangerous emerging viruses). This would necessarily include discussion of quarantine and travel restrictions in emergencies. I think that is a discussion in which we should all engage, because the implications will affect us all. I am at a loss to understand how a discussion about the appearance of Ebola in Texas devolved into a mockery of one person’s concern and a debate about chili. I do understand humor can be used to defuse a situation; it also can be a tool of derision. The current situation feels like the latter to me.
  11. We signed up and my DD is using it as supplemental "fun math." So far, she's really enjoyed it and has had no difficulty. She's only about halfway through the first class, though, so we'll see what happens when she gets to more difficult material. I'm happy, though, because it is working nicely as a reward.
  12. So, SWB, do you need some help with editing and/or review? I bet you might find one, or two, or a hundred willing volunteers! (But me first!)
  13. Thank you, ladies! Your perspective really helps. Boy, I feel like we jumped into the deep end of the lake. This just doesn't flow like other curricula. And I am a very linear, non-AoPS kind of thinker so staying ahead is killing me. I really wish that we could do the class (so she'd have access to a smart teacher :glare: ), but I fear the pace.
  14. OP: Are you doing pre-algebra or algebra with your DD? I am curious, because our DDs seem to be on a very similar math path and we started the AoPS Algebra book a couple of weeks ago. The reason that I am asking is because the pace seems to be slow here, too, and I am wondering if it's an "AoPS thing."
  15. :iagree: And be careful-it is highly likely that you will not be able to have both on at the same time. (Edited: BTW the way, we call ours the "cats are not snacks collar." Not my first go-to for training, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.)
  16. :grouphug: I'm struggling to stay ahead of my DD in math. College was a loooooooong time ago. :o
  17. "In cases of rape and incest" is language taken from legal statutes. The legal definitions of rape and incest are different, as are the elements of the separate crimes. Hence, the two are said separately (i.e., they are two legally distinct acts.)
  18. No luck at our local WalMart. :( We're headed to the big city this weekend; I'll try the big retailers there.
  19. Wow. This is really deep. But now I'm super confused. I thought Jesus was a guy and was married to Mary Magdalene. There was, like, a movie about it and everything. :iagree: Seriously. I come her for erudition and edification. To suggest that the OP posted the link to push a particular viewpoint or to push particular buttons is simply too painful to believe.
  20. Okay. This makes me nuts. "Innocent until proven guilty" is a legal presumption. For in a courtroom. It does NOT mean "suspend your reason and common sense" or "exercise no independent judgment." :rant: :leaving:
  21. If it is the law of your state that homeschoolers are allowed to participate in school activities and you believe that the principal is trying to do an end-run around the law, then I would suggest that you contact your state department of education (or instruction or whatever it is.) I would also suggest that you contact your state representative. If it is worth it to you to make a stink about it. I also totally get your vent. I had a school play the whole, "oh, we'd be delighted to have your little homeschooled darling join us for Activity X, but it's just totally filled up with public school kids. So sorry!" I fantasized about going the stink route, but opted to just go to a different school with a more receptive staff. :grouphug:
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