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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Oh, this sounds so Yoda-esque. I am totally taking it! :hurray:
  2. :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: And it's packaged in a kid-friendly way. My DD plays the games for fun on her free computer time. Yay!
  3. Caveat: We do not have experience with CLE. My DD did MM through the old level 6 and just finished Lial's Pre-Algebra. IMO, it was solid, but is not overly difficult. In fact, DD found it a considerable step down in difficultly from MM. So much so that we will be supplementing Pre-Algebra with selected chapters from AoPS over the rest of the summer. I'd like her to go a bit deeper in certain areas before starting Foersters Algebra in the fall. HTH.
  4. I say go for it. I have a budding author who is a rising 7th grader. (She has 5 novels going right now and can't wait for NaNoWriMo.) I have sort of given up on pushing the academic writing and am trying to go more with her flow. (Not this mama's natural inclination.) I was afraid that OYAN would be a bit much, so we're going with Cover Story.
  5. The store is in Spokane, WA. And we have visitors from out of state until Friday. And then I have a work deadline in a week. Grr. Must. Take. Roadtrip.
  6. That was unkind. :001_tt2:
  7. I also read it in French in high school. I cried in class. :o
  8. Oh, The Little Prince! That is such a beautiful book. DD read it this year. At the end, we both just sat on the couch and cried. :001_wub:
  9. AG is intended to be done independently. My DD has loooved it, probably in large part because she can be in charge of it. She moved quickly through the program, and her retention has been excellent. We're major fans here.
  10. Add a couple of those Eat This, Not That books and maybe you can call it science?
  11. :grouphug: I feel your pain. Our delays were caused by poor planning on my part (allowed an extracurricular activity with a screwy schedule-FLL-in the middle of the school day for the entire fall semester) which put us waaaaay behind. Focused on grammar, writing, and math, but now we're stuck mopping up the rest of the curricula. At least here I don't have to meet any state requirements. You must be :willy_nilly: . I'm sorry. :sad:
  12. Also posting for future reference. Is there any way that this could be pinned?
  13. Now THAT is a thing of beauty. Hmm...wonder what else I can add to my cart to justify the shipping... :leaving:
  14. I have a large wallboard which is used daily. I cannot imagine teaching a math lesson without it.
  15. I have had nothing but positive experiences when making purchases on eBay, including having the wrong book sent. The seller was most gracious and handled the problem beautifully. DH advises transactions only with highly rated sellers, so that's what I've done (He's the tech person. I am clueless.) I have not sold anything on eBay.
  16. This is not quite "curriculum," but how about the Sister Wendy videos? She's fabulous.
  17. DD was an early reader (Biscuit books by age 4; Magic Treehouse by age 5). She is now pushing 12 and is still a voracious reader. (She's participating in the Exodus books summer reading program. Last week she read Tale of Two Cities. In a day. :huh: )
  18. Attempting reconciliation is statutorily required. Which was only adhered to in this case when the media and politicians began breathing down the necks of the so-called child welfare advocates. Talk about "carefully sidestepping." In any event, I pray that the child may begin to recover from the damage done to her medical condition while she was in the custody of the child "welfare" authorities.
  19. Totally normal. I'd just monitor the situation; she'll probably outgrow it (mine did :001_smile:) .
  20. The family did what they had to do to free their child. That is a sign of desperation, not evidence of the validity of the case. And, I'm sorry, being returned to her family after being held against her will seems like a pretty good choice of words to me.
  21. I will second the advice to wait and see what the DC's workload will be. DD was in school for a time after we moved and I intended to afterschool. However, with the length of the schoolday, the amount of homework, and afterschool activities, I had to let it go. It was just too much. My DD was a bit younger at the time than yours will be, so that may change things quite a bit. Good luck to both of you!
  22. Deconstructing Penguins is a good place to start.
  23. We return everything except change. Interesting note: We had the exact same situation happen in Big Lots as happened to you in Target. When we turned it in, the manager looked at me like I had lost my mind. But, as I explained to my then 6 year old daughter, for all we know that $20 was all that person had and he/she would quickly recognize its loss and return. No way would I want that loss on my conscience, thank you very much. But I expect the store employees got a subsidized pizza out of it. :glare:
  24. is to be returned home. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06/17/justice-for-justina-judge-orders-connecticut-girl-to-be-returned-to-family/
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