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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. We started with Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox; DD loved them both. We will be doing Art of Argument next year (7th.)
  2. Another perspective on Art of Argument (with the caveat that we have yet to do the program): I ordered the program for next year. The day that the book arrived, DD read it cover-to-cover. Hopefully, that's a good sign!
  3. iCivics.org is great. My 11 year old DD plays the games for fun. She's taken to quoting Supreme Court cases. Makes my lawyer heart go pitter-pat!
  4. Me, too. I was unable to log on most of the day yesterday through approximately 7 a.m. Pacific time.
  5. I am in the midst of a similar experience. In the past (read: prior to my mid-40s), if I wanted to lose some weight, I'd go on Atkins and POOF, off the weight would go. Now, it's taken 5 weeks to achieve what would have been accomplished in a week or two. Ugg. However, you may also be dealing with still-unsettled hormones, especially if you are still dealing with the same underlying issues that caused you to take the Metformin. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  6. My DD is 11. We don't have any hard and fast rules, mostly because it has not been an issue. I have always been clear with her about what our family thinks are appropriate and inappropriate clothing choices and WHY. So far, we've had no push-back. We are now beginning to discuss how many fashions/advertisements glorify ridiculously distorted views of the female body (i.e., Recenty, during a trip to the big city, we went into a department store with an ENORMOUS picture of a model in her undies and had a great time discussing Photoshop and how annoying it is that advertisers are such bad liars.) Mostly though, my little girl is still a little girl; clothing rules are along the "no, that item has had a full and entertaining life and has to just be play clothes/go to clothing heaven" lines.
  7. I have the Accelerated version (although we are actually using Lial's). If you had no trouble with MM6, I think you'll be fine with the Accelerated version.
  8. We went from FLL3 to Horizons during a school interval to AG. I think you'll be just fine going straight to AG. We are almost through Season 2 here and love it, FWIW.
  9. Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller? :lurk5:
  10. :grouphug: Having walked through some dark times in my life, "It could always be worse" has become something of a mantra for me. When DD (NOT me) is being a challenge, I will shut my mouth and say a prayer for you. (I only have one and she has me outnumbered and surrounded. You rock, sister!) Edit: ACK! I am having a grossly inarticulate day. I'm sorry! I do not mean that your life is "worse;" just that there are others who cope beautifully with so much more of a challenge. When I started the whole parenting thing, I intended to have several. Maybe God knew my limits when he blessed me only with one.
  11. HERS. She's 11. (It's NOT me. I'm not peri-menopausaul. I'm not, not, NOT.) Well, maybe it's a little bit me. Perhaps. But not likely. :ph34r:
  12. BEWARE. Making such offers to curriculum junkies may lead to unending houseguests. There are such things as vacations, you know!
  13. We are using Lial's here and it is getting the job done. I find the explanations to be clear. We came into it following MM6 and, quite frankly, find it to be quite a bit easier. Most of the material has been review (we're halfway through) and the new material is very easy to teach. I say "getting the job done" only because my DD is more of an AoPS-type thinker and finds it "tedious," but compulsive enough not to want to switch curricula. But that's another thread. (FWIW, I have the TE for the Pre-Algebra/Algebra text and I have been using the Algebra portion as a refresher course. I think it's awesome, but that's me, the linear thinker.)
  14. I'm okay with the schooling stuff. My dread is daily: HORMONES. (Where is the rollercoaster icon???)
  15. Just got back from reading "Three Favorites" thread and, once again, my lesson plans are thrown into chaos. SO, here's what I think we need to vote upon: All in favor of putting Chrysalis Academy on Curriculum-Link Probation for at least a month (to allow the rest of us time to solidify lesson plans and budgets!), please raise your hands. (Edited to Add: I hope that it is obvious that this post is tongue-in-cheek. I absolutely looove the links. Way better than my own!)
  16. Oh, wow! Thank you for sharing this link. My DD is a HUGE Tolkien fan (just got a new Build-a-Bear named John Ronald Reuel :001_smile: ) So this will add yet another wrinkle to may lesson plans for next year!
  17. Batman's wife: Any update on how implementation of the program went?
  18. JoJosMom


    Actually, we discussed this in the car after the "experience." DD was freaking out and having her "As God as my witness, I am not eating .... again" moment (Incidentally, this was funny on it's own b/c she had already foresworn fast food after reading The Omnivore's Dilemma. Poor traumatized child.) Anyhoo, being a good, rational mom, I interrupted and explained that, really, we risk that every time we eat out... Because... we are subjecting ourselves to the standards-or lack thereof-of others... And then I felt really icky. :ohmy: But I kept my "As God as my witness, I am not eating out ever again" moment internal. That young woman has NO idea the level of angst she has inflicted upon total strangers. (And yay me for spreading the pain around the globe, no? :p )
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