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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Sorry about the link problem. I don't know how to fix it; tech challenged here. :o
  2. :sad: :grouphug: I hope that you get out of there soon.
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/12/opinion/what-were-afraid-to-say-about-ebola.html?emc=edit_tnt_20140911&nlid=745484&tntemail0=y&_r=22 In an earlier thread I mentioned that my biggest fear about Ebola was its potential to mutate. This article discusses those concerns. Viruses are scary, Ebola particularly so.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/09/11/florida-kindergarten-teacher-refuses-to-give-standardized-tests/?intcmp=latestnews All I have to say is: :hurray:
  5. There is no "like" button for your posts, but that would be inadequate anyway. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: And the tip jar/donation is a great idea. There is one blog that I read regularly and I happily make a small monthly donation. I don't post a huge amount here, but I truly cannot imagine homeschooling without this resource. I would gratefully donate on a monthly basis to keep this site available. Gratias tibi ago, SWB!!!
  6. You hussies! (And count me in the "Boy, am I glad that I have no technical abilities" camp.)
  7. We used the third edition of the PreA text and it was fine. I have the instructor's edition for the "PreA and Intro to A" text. It is simply a combination of the two books in one ginormous version. :001_smile:
  8. See? This is why I keep telling DH I need a REAL blow torch. And a rocket launcher. I am so oppressed.
  9. This may be quibbling, but I disagree with the bolded portion. Ebola is a virus; there is no cure. We have the medical facilities that provide a high level of supportive care while the body itself fights the virus. The "medicines" that have been used, I believe, are derivations of the antibodies of people who have survived the disease. As for "what if" scenarios, I think that they are valuable in that they can be used as strategic planning tools, but it can be overwhelming when we get caught up in "the end of the world is nigh" type thinking. As for Ebola itself, I agree that, right now, the largest issue is it's location in places where medical care is decidely poor. My biggest fear, however, is the capability of viruses to mutate. It may not be readily capable of airborne transmission now, but that does not mean the virus itself (or themselves) will not change.
  10. We have the opposite situation here: I am the linear one and the short person is the organic thinker. We used Lial's Pre-Algebra (not BCM.) It is very direct and clear, and I thought it was wonderful. The short person described it as "tedious." It takes one topic at a time, but there is a cumulative review section after each chapter. And, as a bonus, it can be found cheap at used book sites (Amazon, Alibris, Abe, etc.) If your DC is more fond of a spiral approach, I would suggest Horizons or Saxon. Good luck!
  11. I agree that taking away recess is a bad idea. My nephew went to a Christian school where taking away recess was a common consequence. Until he reached 5th grade and Miss Brilliant was hired. In her class, naughty boys ran laps at recess. Her approach to discipline swept the school! (And my nephew ran laps. Lots and lots of laps. Until, magically, his behavior improved. :ohmy: )
  12. My point was simply that, although this is just now being reported on, governments and their military/intelligence agencies have most likely been working on the problem "for some time." Sorry that I wasn't clear.
  13. Oh, good! Thank you for the help, everyone. :001_smile:
  14. We had decided upon Foerster's Algebra, but the short person decided late to give AoPS a go (We had the same back and forth over Pre-A. I had both AoPS Pre-A and Lial's, and she went Lial's.) So, here's the question: Do you think that we'll be able to jump into AoPS Algebra from Lial's Pre-A? I know that AoPS is a significantly different program, and I'm a little concerned about gaps. We did the pre-test, and we are going to do the square roots chapter in AoPS Pre-A while waiting for the algebra book to arrive. Advice? Concerns? Things to consider?
  15. They went missing some time ago (I believe a month); it's just now being reported widely. Hopefully, that has given the intelligence agencies of various countries the time to locate them and take steps to minimize the threat. Hopefully. (BTW, why the apology for the source? Fox News is incredibly mainstream, despite the far left yammering about "Faux News." The editorial content leans right, but the news material is pretty tame. And reliable; a good deal of it is AP sourced.)
  16. I know nothing about the animated series. The BBC production is HILARIOUS. There is lots and lots and lots of potty humor, so I would think that age 7 and up would be a good audience. But brace yourself: You'll be singing "Born to ruuuule over you..." in the shower. Cuz I can't be the only one... :o
  17. I had a friend with multiple cats and was the person who had to take them to the vet when it was their time (because my friend couldn't handle it. Please refrain from any comments; it's just the way it was.) I have only ever seen the vet give one injection. It acted almost immediately. There is no way that the animal felt any pain, but the speed of the process is a bit shocking so prepare yourself. Also, if it is important to you, I would suggest that you contact your vet and ask whether they will euthanize your pet at home. Many will, and will handle disposal if that is what you want. I'm really sorry for you and your family and for Kitty. Pets bring so much love into our lives, but saying goodbye can be a really sad and challenging time. :sad:
  18. We have a Casio electronic keyboard with 88 weighted keys. DH, the King of the Internet Shoppers, says he paid around $200 for it new. (About 18 months to 2 years ago.) He is a member of things like "Smart Deals" and "Tech Bargains" (about which I know nothing). The accessories were a separate package, but not terribly expensive. I think it's best if you can take the time to shop around. Good luck!
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